Desperate: Problem with AL.exe and questions

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ian
  • Start date Start date


Hi there,

I need some help if anyone can jump in, i know its something easy but i am
just going round in circles.

I was following a tutorial here
( to use localization, I
have created a resource file (.resource) but everytime i try and compile I
get the error below.

I have the following files in the current directory

MyResources.en.resources (this was converted from resgen)

Ok the CompleteInventory(below in the error text) which is supposed to be
MyApplication name in Visual Studio at the top is written Complete Inventory
(with a space) but I don't think this is the problem, although do I have to
change in Visual Studio for my project to read CompleteInventory rather than
Complete Inventory??

I would be very grateful for any instruction...

Heres the error.

C:\Visual Studio Projects\CompleteInventory\CompleteInventory\bin\en>AL
/t:lib /
embed:MyResources.en.resources, CompleteInventory.MyResources.en.resources
/culture:en /out:CompleteInventory.resources.dll
Microsoft (R) Assembly Linker version 7.10.3077
for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 1.1.4322
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2001-2002. All rights reserved.

ALINK: error AL1047: Error importing file 'c:\Visual Studio
urces.en.resources' --
The system cannot find the file specified.
Fixed it... just incase anybody else gets the problem..

I can't believe it... Its a small space between the , (coma)...

C:\Visual Studio Projects\CompleteInventory\CompleteInventory\bin\en>AL
/t:lib / embed:MyResources.en.resources,[THE SPACE
PROBLEM]CompleteInventory.MyResources.en.resources /culture:en

Correct version

C:\Visual Studio Projects\CompleteInventory\CompleteInventory\bin\en>AL
/t:lib /
/culture:en /out:CompleteInventory.resources.dll

it was a stupid space.. i can't believe it,.

Hey Ian,

I know its been a long time, but do you recollect how you completed the localisation. I am coding in and once I have created the satellite assembly, I use the following code-

ResourceManager resmgr = new ResourceManager("Test App 2.Resource",
CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("nl-NL");
string msg = resmgr.GetString(Resources.Key1, ci);

However, on execution, I get the MissingManifestResourceException which is thrown if the main assembly does not contain the resources for the neutral culture, and they are required because of a missing appropriate satellite assembly.

Could you help shed some light on what could be wrong?