I am having some serious issues with email forms! I am a reseller for all of
my clients website hosting. The hosting company insist that it is not a
server problem, but, a scripting problem. That doesn't make sense to me
because the complaints are coming from customers whose sites have not
required any maintenance in over a year or two and the forms were working
perfectly! Then I found that one of my clients, the form was working. Sent
a test message and she responded almost immediately. However, I have done
nothing different with her form verses any of the other forms. I always use
the form template provided in MS FrontPage and then modify it according to my
clients specifications. I have been going over and over and over my form and
I am getting the following error message:
"Saving Form Results to E-Mail will not work unless either the "SMTPHost" or
"SendmailCommand" server configuration parameters are set."
I am at a loss because I am not a programmer! I just taught myself how to
use the software and have never had this problem before now and its costing
me and my clients both money and business!
The error message that I now get from the following contact forms...
1. http://www.webofhonor.biz/contactus.htm
2. http://www.webofhonor.biz/payitforwardjobpostingdigests.htm
3. http://www.7foldpublishing.com/contactus.htm
4. http://www.allpointsmortgageandfinancialservices.com/contactus.htm
5. http://www.allpointsmortgageandfinancialservices.com/annuity.htm
....is as follows:
FrontPage Error.
User: please report details to this site's webmaster.
Webmaster: please see the server's application event log for more details.
....and both my customers and me are not receiving messages via email from
the form from clients and potential customers!
Please, I am desperate for assistance!
my clients website hosting. The hosting company insist that it is not a
server problem, but, a scripting problem. That doesn't make sense to me
because the complaints are coming from customers whose sites have not
required any maintenance in over a year or two and the forms were working
perfectly! Then I found that one of my clients, the form was working. Sent
a test message and she responded almost immediately. However, I have done
nothing different with her form verses any of the other forms. I always use
the form template provided in MS FrontPage and then modify it according to my
clients specifications. I have been going over and over and over my form and
I am getting the following error message:
"Saving Form Results to E-Mail will not work unless either the "SMTPHost" or
"SendmailCommand" server configuration parameters are set."
I am at a loss because I am not a programmer! I just taught myself how to
use the software and have never had this problem before now and its costing
me and my clients both money and business!
The error message that I now get from the following contact forms...
1. http://www.webofhonor.biz/contactus.htm
2. http://www.webofhonor.biz/payitforwardjobpostingdigests.htm
3. http://www.7foldpublishing.com/contactus.htm
4. http://www.allpointsmortgageandfinancialservices.com/contactus.htm
5. http://www.allpointsmortgageandfinancialservices.com/annuity.htm
....is as follows:
FrontPage Error.
User: please report details to this site's webmaster.
Webmaster: please see the server's application event log for more details.
....and both my customers and me are not receiving messages via email from
the form from clients and potential customers!
Please, I am desperate for assistance!