Desktop siz too big for monitor

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Can someone please help me. When viewing my desktop on my monitor I have to
keep scrolling to the left and right or up and down to view all the
information. It is like watching a movie that is set up for the cinema on
the television. I mean my original screen and not when I have loaded a
programme onto it when it will give me the option to make it bigger or
smaller by using the top right icons etc.
Linda Norton said:
Can someone please help me. When viewing my desktop on my monitor I have to
keep scrolling to the left and right or up and down to view all the
information. It is like watching a movie that is set up for the cinema on
the television. I mean my original screen and not when I have loaded a
programme onto it when it will give me the option to make it bigger or
smaller by using the top right icons etc.

Hi Linda,
Right Click on an Empty space on your Desktop and select Properties from the
Drop down list.
On the Dispaly Properties Click on Settings Tab and locate the header titled;
---Screen resolution----- ---- Color quality
Move the slider to this Resolution or pixels

-------------------â–¼------------------------- Heighest
(32 bit)
1024 by 768 pixels

Hope this what you are after please let us know.
Linda said:
Can someone please help me. When viewing my desktop on my monitor I have to
keep scrolling to the left and right or up and down to view all the
information. It is like watching a movie that is set up for the cinema on
the television. I mean my original screen and not when I have loaded a
programme onto it when it will give me the option to make it bigger or
smaller by using the top right icons etc.

In Display Properties, Settings, make sure that both sliders are set to
the same resolution. Then you won't have to "pan" to see the whole
desktop. If the slides aren't there, look in Settings, Advanced, at the
special tabs for your adapter.