-----Original Message-----
G'Day Donna,
I am presuming that you have moved either the
Office Toolbar (with buttons for the Office programs
on it), or the Taskbar (with the 'Start' button on it).
Office Toolbar:
Point to a blank area, Click-and-Hold. Drag the Office
Toolbar back to the Top of the Screen, and release
the Mouse button. While it may change shape, you will
see the Toolbar move as you drag.
Point to a blank area, Click-and-Hold. Drag the
Taskbar back to the Bottom of the Screen, and release
the Mouse button. You will NOT see the Taskbar move
as you drag, it will 'snap to position' as though attached
to the mouse pointer with elastic.
You may also have moved a Toolbar in Word - the fix
is the same.
The term 'Desktop' strictly applies to the Screen you see
with NO OPEN Applications (Windows). This has
shortcuts of various kinds, and may have 'wallpaper'.
Pat Garard
Anne & Pat Garard.