OK... they're Internet Shortcuts. ;-)
Try this...
Open one of those webpages. Stretch it out to fullsize. Don't use
maximize. Choose any link on that webpage and right-click> open in a
new window. Stretch that second window out to the desired size- don't
use maximize. Close the first IE window. Then close that second resized
Hope this helps,
Yes they do.......Amazon, wellsfargo bank among others
Do these shortcuts have names?
In avispon <
[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
Wes..............Your suggestion did not
work............Mike.....short cuts on desktop still opening in half
window size "Wesley Vogel" wrote:
I did right click on properties, like I said I found No shortcut
tab or Run !
A. It's not a shortcut.
B. It's a shortcut, but scewed up.
If you have not modified anything, Shortcuts (.lnk) have an arrow
in the lower left hand corner of the icon to show that it's a
shortcut. Same for Internet shortcuts (.url), an arrow in the lower
left hand corner. Neither type of shortcut normally shows the file
Windows® XP File Association Fixes
Copyright 2003 - Doug Knox
Read the instructions. Then get...
LNK (Shortcut) File Association Fix (Restores Default Shortcut
URL File Association Fix (Restores default associations for URL -
Internet shortcuts)
In avispon <
[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
I did right click on properties, like I said I found No shortcut
tab or Run ! Now any other ideas???
Right click the shortcut and choose Properties.
I dont have a shortcut tab and there is nothing about run when I
right click
on the shortcut, any other ideas??? Mike
Right click shortcut | Properties | Shortcut tab |
In Run select Normal Window
[[Specifies how you want the window to display this item when
you open the
shortcut: in a standard window, in a full screen (maximized),
or as a button
on the taskbar (minimized).]]
Open the folder or whatever | Use the cursor (not the
maximize button) to drag the window to the desired
size | Click the Close [X] while holding down the
Ctrl key.
Most applications, folders or whatever will open the same way
that they were
when last closed.
In avispon <
[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
I am not sure I follow you..........This has only just started
I have never had this before, please elaborate more
avispon wrote:
When I hit my short cut icons, they only open to a half size
window. I
then have to expand the window to get full affect, and idea
of what might be going on and a fix.........thanks...........mike
That is completely dependent on haw the developers coded the
that the shortcut opens. SOME applications remember the
window size when
the application was last exited. Please indicate which
application the shortcuts open if you need more details.