Desktop shorcuts

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jared \(Home\)
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Jared \(Home\)


All my desktop shortcuts which are 32x32 have a 16x16 shortcut pointer arrow
on them. I can hardly see which icon is which.

Is there any solution or even way to remove them. Even if I had to nLite
Vista disc.

There are a couple regedit approaches that should work for this. Also you
can try Tweak UI XP. I'm sure MSFT will have a TweakUI for Vista but at the
rate they are dragging their feet and other parts of their anatomy they sit
on, I'd give Redmond several years. MSKBs for Vista have been dragging, and
articles about Vista with any depth have been dragging now for 16 months
since the Beta started in July 05.

I belive the major brunt of info on Vista isn't going to come from MSFT
employees from the Vista teams or their team members designated to write
since they have elected to take long sabatticals from this practice. It will
come from authors who aren't MSFT who write books on Vista like Ed Bott.

You can use this to remove shortcut arrows: Always do the quickest backup
in the Windoz system--the one for the reg first. After you open the reg by
typing regedit into the run box, (you may have to run elevated as an admin
and the shortcut for that is to hold down the ctrl+shift keys when you hit
enter): Make sure you backup this way:

File>Export>at lower left corner of dialogue box put radio button in >entire
registry>save to Desktop and tuck in location/folder of Jared's choosing.


@="Shortcut to MS-DOS Program"

or you can try this one which works in XP and many XP regedits, buyt not all
work in Vista because while many subkeys and values are identical, of course
not all are:

Go into the reg and find this key:


@="Shell Icon Overlay Manager"


then it will look like:

modify the default value of the InProcServer32 to an empty String Value that
is this -->> ""

So now the exported key looked like this:

@="Shell Icon Overlay Manager"


Reboot and the arrows should be gone.

As to the size of the icons, simply right click desktop>appearances> first
entry on the list>(correlate to the Appearances tab in XP's display
properties dialogue box)>advanced button and select icon on the pull down
and you can adjust the size of the icon to a larger size there. You can
also adjust the font style, size and bold or italics there.


google for a tool called "TweakVi" - that does a lot of "magic" and tunes
vista to your needs.

also a first alpha of "vlite" is available,

which let you create a custom Vista-DVD and totally remove all the crap
like Photogallery,defender,sidebar,mediacenter,moviemaker,dvd-maker and that
nedless stuff, you can even remove the search-crap and the Internet Explorer
plus all the homephoning tools (!) - after that operation you can have
vista-Disk less than 1GB (!) and if you remove Aero and 3D support you have
a Vista much speedier than XP - fast as light !

Happy playing with Vista-tuning !
google for a tool called "TweakVi" - that does a lot of "magic" and tunes
vista to your needs.

also a first alpha of "vlite" is available,

which let you create a custom Vista-DVD and totally remove all the crap
like Photogallery,defender,sidebar,mediacenter,moviemaker,dvd-maker and that
nedless stuff, you can even remove the search-crap and the Internet Explorer
plus all the homephoning tools (!) - after that operation you can have
vista-Disk less than 1GB (!) and if you remove Aero and 3D support you have
a Vista much speedier than XP - fast as light !

Happy playing with Vista-tuning !
google for a tool called "TweakVi" - that does a lot of "magic" and tunes
vista to your needs.

also a first alpha of "vlite" is available,

which let you create a custom Vista-DVD and totally remove all the crap
like Photogallery,defender,sidebar,mediacenter,moviemaker,dvd-maker and that
nedless stuff, you can even remove the search-crap and the Internet Explorer
plus all the homephoning tools (!) - after that operation you can have
vista-Disk less than 1GB (!) and if you remove Aero and 3D support you have
a Vista much speedier than XP - fast as light !

Happy playing with Vista-tuning !

It's a fat lot of use to anyone running Vista x64 though...

Cannot use Tweak UI on Vista
Chad Harris said:

There are a couple regedit approaches that should work for this. Also you
can try Tweak UI XP. I'm sure MSFT will have a TweakUI for Vista but at
the rate they are dragging their feet and other parts of their anatomy
they sit on, I'd give Redmond several years. MSKBs for Vista have been
dragging, and articles about Vista with any depth have been dragging now
for 16 months since the Beta started in July 05.

I belive the major brunt of info on Vista isn't going to come from MSFT
employees from the Vista teams or their team members designated to write
since they have elected to take long sabatticals from this practice. It
will come from authors who aren't MSFT who write books on Vista like Ed

You can use this to remove shortcut arrows: Always do the quickest backup
in the Windoz system--the one for the reg first. After you open the reg by
typing regedit into the run box, (you may have to run elevated as an admin
and the shortcut for that is to hold down the ctrl+shift keys when you hit
enter): Make sure you backup this way:

File>Export>at lower left corner of dialogue box put radio button in
entire registry>save to Desktop and tuck in location/folder of Jared's


@="Shortcut to MS-DOS Program"

or you can try this one which works in XP and many XP regedits, buyt not
all work in Vista because while many subkeys and values are identical, of
course not all are:

Go into the reg and find this key:


@="Shell Icon Overlay Manager"


then it will look like:

modify the default value of the InProcServer32 to an empty String Value
that is this -->> ""

So now the exported key looked like this:

@="Shell Icon Overlay Manager"


Reboot and the arrows should be gone.

As to the size of the icons, simply right click desktop>appearances> first
entry on the list>(correlate to the Appearances tab in XP's display
properties dialogue box)>advanced button and select icon on the pull down
and you can adjust the size of the icon to a larger size there. You can
also adjust the font style, size and bold or italics there.



Jared (Home) said:

All my desktop shortcuts which are 32x32 have a 16x16 shortcut pointer
arrow on them. I can hardly see which icon is which.

Is there any solution or even way to remove them. Even if I had to nLite
Vista disc.
I don't know if you can use Tweak UI in Vista until I try it. I'll make a
point to get it done in the next 3 days. However I do know this

1) I offered two regedits that should work.
2) In Win XP SP2 which was the OS prior to Vista from MSFT, I was able to
use every single version of Tweak UI effectively and install them
concomittantly that MSFT has ever made.


Hillbilly said:
Cannot use Tweak UI on Vista
Chad Harris said:

There are a couple regedit approaches that should work for this. Also
you can try Tweak UI XP. I'm sure MSFT will have a TweakUI for Vista but
at the rate they are dragging their feet and other parts of their anatomy
they sit on, I'd give Redmond several years. MSKBs for Vista have been
dragging, and articles about Vista with any depth have been dragging now
for 16 months since the Beta started in July 05.

I belive the major brunt of info on Vista isn't going to come from MSFT
employees from the Vista teams or their team members designated to write
since they have elected to take long sabatticals from this practice. It
will come from authors who aren't MSFT who write books on Vista like Ed

You can use this to remove shortcut arrows: Always do the quickest
backup in the Windoz system--the one for the reg first. After you open
the reg by typing regedit into the run box, (you may have to run elevated
as an admin and the shortcut for that is to hold down the ctrl+shift keys
when you hit enter): Make sure you backup this way:

File>Export>at lower left corner of dialogue box put radio button in
entire registry>save to Desktop and tuck in location/folder of Jared's


@="Shortcut to MS-DOS Program"

or you can try this one which works in XP and many XP regedits, buyt not
all work in Vista because while many subkeys and values are identical, of
course not all are:

Go into the reg and find this key:


@="Shell Icon Overlay Manager"


then it will look like:

modify the default value of the InProcServer32 to an empty String Value
that is this -->> ""

So now the exported key looked like this:

@="Shell Icon Overlay Manager"


Reboot and the arrows should be gone.

As to the size of the icons, simply right click desktop>appearances>
first entry on the list>(correlate to the Appearances tab in XP's display
properties dialogue box)>advanced button and select icon on the pull down
and you can adjust the size of the icon to a larger size there. You can
also adjust the font style, size and bold or italics there.



Jared (Home) said:

All my desktop shortcuts which are 32x32 have a 16x16 shortcut pointer
arrow on them. I can hardly see which icon is which.

Is there any solution or even way to remove them. Even if I had to
nLite Vista disc.
Among them gui tweakers for Vista they done already got Tweak VI. There is
a fairly currrent version v1.0 build 1014 - November 18th 2006

TweakVI v1.0 build 1014 was successfully tested on Windows Vista RTM and was
found to be fully compatible!

As far as I know unless you be walkin' them halls (in a daze of course) in
Building 26 the latest Vista is RTM, cause I don't see no Vista SP1 out and
when I do I'll bet anyone a few Starbucks that it will not address the long
list of functionality problems I've been able to make in Vista RTM.

RTM=Redmond Toy Money?
RTM=Rip the Masses?
RTM=Riches to MSFT (we'll see)
RTM=Redmond Took Money
RTM=Real Tiny Minds
and on.

When will they be making any (beyond the few that have been around for
nearly 9 months) MSKBs and comprehensive information for the public on
MSFT's Technet Site and MSDN Sites and all them off beat urls that are so in
now at Redmondsoft so people can't find them of course, lol, very way kuelll
and very Seattle-Latte-esque got all the latest toys to do so, since most
people find pretty non searchable with anything MSFT has
ever made to search (pssst. Use Google to search cause it
done be so much better than Live which has resorted to full page ads in the
Wall Street Journal)?

Live is still dead as a search for and the MSKBs. Wake up
Gary Flake, Ph.D. Wake up Doc Flake.

Note in particular what it will mean when John Conyers runs House Judy and


I sure do like what this means. It sure muzzles/ and effectively removes
from power for the rest of their careers some of the most arrogant, nasty
worthless bastards who are ethnically homogenous (you figure out how) I've
ever seen in the history of the US.

Senator Harry Reid, the majority leader-to-be, has announced the new Senate
committee assignments. Here are the anticipated chairmanships, assuming the
future Republican leaders agree:

Agriculture: Tom Harkin (Iowa)
Appropriations: Robert Byrd (West Virginia)
Armed Services: Carl Levin (Michigan)
Banking: Chris Dodd (Connecticut)
Commerce: Daniel Inouye (Hawaii)
Energy: Jeff Bingaman (New Mexico)
Environment and Public Works: Barbara Boxer (California)
Finance: Max Baucus (Montana)
Foreign Relations: Joe Biden (Delaware)
Health, Education, Labor and Pensions: Edward M. Kennedy (Massachusetts)
Homeland Security and Government Affairs: Joseph I. Lieberman (Connecticut)
Judiciary: Patrick Leahy (Vermont)
Intelligence: Jay Rockefeller (West Virginia)
Budget: Kent Conrad (North Dakota)
Aging: Herb Kohl (Wisconsin)
Veterans: Daniel Akaka (Hawaii)
Rules: Dianne Feinstein (California)
Joint Economic: Charles Schumer (New York)
Indian Affairs: Byron Dorgan (North Dakota)
Small Business: John Kerry (Massachusetts)

Perhaps even more interesting are the committee assignments given to the
freshman senators. With high-profile issues like the war in Iraq and
terrorism, committees like Foreign Relations and Homeland Security can make
or break careers.

Sherrod Brown (Ohio): Agriculture, Banking, H.E.L.P., Veterans
Benjamin L. Cardin (Maryland): Environment/Public Works, Foreign Relations,
Judiciary, Budget, Small Business
Bob Casey Jr. (Pennsylvania): Agriculture, Banking, Foreign Relations,
Aging, Joint Economic
Amy Klobuchar (Minnesota): Agriculture, Commerce, Environment/Public Works,
Joint Economic
Claire McCaskill (Missouri): Armed Services, Commerce, Homeland, Aging,
Indian Affairs
Bernie Sanders (Vermont): Energy, Environment/Public Works, H.E.L.P., Budget
Jon Tester (Montana): Banking, Energy, Homeland, Veterans, Small Business,
Indian Affairs
James Webb (Virginia): Armed Services, Foreign Relations, Veterans, Joint
Sheldon Whitehouse (Rhode Island): Environment/Public Works, Judiciary,
Intelligence, Budget, Aging

Update: The initial version of this post left out Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
in the list of new senators. AND we also left out John Kerry’s committee,
Small Business, in the list of chairmanships.

Senate committee chairmanships assigned
Pacific Business News (Honolulu) - November 15, 2006
Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, the incoming Senate Majority Leader, has
announced committee chairmanships for the coming session of Congress, and
Hawaii's senators got key positions as expected.

Sen. Daniel Inouye will be chairman of the Senate Commerce and
Transportation Committee, the panel that controls funding for the Honolulu
rail project as well as federal funds for highway repairs. Inouye said one
of his early priorities in the next session would be earthquake repair aid,
and control of transportation funding will make it easier to find money for
bridge repairs.

Inouye will be the senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee
after its chairman, Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia, and is expected to
lead the Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. He also has been
assigned to the Senate Rules Committee. Reid said Tuesday that committee
seniority and subcommittee chairmanships will be formalized after meeting
with the new Republican minority leadership.

Sen. Dan Akaka will be chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee and
will be a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. The Veterans
Administration operates military medical offices on neighbor islands.

Akaka also will be the most senior member of the Senate Energy & Natural
Resources Committee after its chairman, Sen. Jeff Bingaman. He'll be one of
the more senior members of the Banking and Homeland Security & Governmental
Affairs Committees. Both Inouye and Akaka will be members of the Senate
Indian Affairs Committee.

House committee assignments still were to be determined, but here's what
will happen.

Put a fork in any of the current House Chairmen--they are history. Jerry
Lewis has a Christmas Indictment coming his way and I will enjoy that as he
Joins his fellow Republicans in a federal prison slab.

WASHINGTON -- Here is a list of House committees, the current Republican
chairperson and the senior Democrat in line to take over the chair:

Administration of federal farm, forestry, nutrition and rural development
Current chair is Bob Goodlatte of Virginia.
Ranking Democrat is Collin Peterson of Minnesota.
Jurisdiction over government spending legislation for each department and
Current chair is Jerry Lewis of California.
Ranking Democrat is David Obey of Wisconsin.
Armed Services
Responsibility for all matters regarding the military.
Current chair is Duncan Hunter of California.
Ranking Democrat is Ike Skelton of Missouri.
Control over setting the federal budget.
Current chair is Jim Nussle of Iowa.
Ranking Democrat is John Spratt, Jr. of South Carolina.
Education and the Workforce
Jurisdiction over education and labor.
Current chair is Howard McKeon of California.
Ranking Democrat is George Miller of California.
Energy and Commerce
Promotion of commerce and oversight of telecommunications, consumer
protection, food and drug safety.
Current chair is Joe Barton of Texas.
Ranking Democrat is John Dingell of Michigan.
Financial Services
Oversight of financial service industry and federal service regulators.
Current chair is Michael Oxley of Ohio.
Ranking Democrat is Barney Frank of Massachusetts.
Government Reform
Oversight of government spending.
Current chair is Tom Davis of Virginia.
Ranking Democrat is Henry Waxman of California.
Homeland Security
Oversight of the federal Department of Homeland Security and help in setting
policies for the nation's war against terrorism.
Current chair is Peter King of New York.
Ranking Democrat is Bennie Thompson of Mississippi.
House Administration
Oversight of federal elections and House administrative business.
Current chair is Vernon Elhers of Michigan.
Ranking Democrat is Juanita Millender-McDonald of California.
International Relations
Jurisdiction over U.S. relations with foreign countries.
Current chair is Henry Hyde of Illinois.
Ranking Democrat is Tom Lantos of California.
Jurisdiction over civil liberties, immigration and constitutional
Current chair is Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin.
Ranking Democrat is John Conyers of Michigan.
Jurisdiction over resources including fisheries, forest reserves and mining
Current chair is Richard Pombo of California.
Ranking Democrat is Nick Rahall of West Virginia.
Establishment of rules for House votes and debates.
Current chair is David Dreier of California.
Ranking Democrat is Louise Slaughter of New York.
Jurisdiction over non-defense scientific research and development.
Current chair is Sherwood Boehlert of New York.
Ranking Democrat is Bart Gordon of Tennessee.
Small Business
Assistance and protection for small businesses.
Current chair is Donald Manzullo of Illinois.
Ranking Democrat is Nydia Velazquez of New York.
Standards of Official Conduct
Oversight of ethics issues.
Current chair is Doc Hastings of Washington.
Ranking Democrat is Howard Berman of California.
Transportation and Infrastructure
Jurisdiction over public transportation.
Current chair is Don Young of Alaska.
Ranking Democrat is James Oberstar of Minnesota.
Veterans' Affairs
Jurisdiction over armed services veterans' issues.
Current chair is Steve Buyer of Indiana.
Ranking Democrat is Lane Evans of Illinois.
Ways and Means
Jurisdiction over taxes, Social Security, Medicare and economic policies.
Current chair is Bill Thomas of California.
Ranking Democrat is Charles Rangel of New York.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Oversight of intelligence agencies.
Current chair is Peter Hoekstra of Michigan.
Ranking Democrat is Jane Harman of California.

Hillbilly said:
Cannot use Tweak UI on Vista
Chad Harris said:

There are a couple regedit approaches that should work for this. Also
can try Tweak UI XP. I'm sure MSFT will have a TweakUI for Vista but at
the rate they are dragging their feet and other parts of their anatomy
they sit on, I'd give Redmond several years. MSKBs for Vista have been
dragging, and articles about Vista with any depth have been dragging now
for 16 months since the Beta started in July 05.

I belive the major brunt of info on Vista isn't going to come from MSFT
employees from the Vista teams or their team members designated to write
since they have elected to take long sabatticals from this practice. It
will come from authors who aren't MSFT who write books on Vista like Ed

You can use this to remove shortcut arrows: Always do the quickest
in the Windoz system--the one for the reg first. After you open the reg
typing regedit into the run box, (you may have to run elevated as an
and the shortcut for that is to hold down the ctrl+shift keys when you
enter): Make sure you backup this way:

File>Export>at lower left corner of dialogue box put radio button in
entire registry>save to Desktop and tuck in location/folder of Jared's


@="Shortcut to MS-DOS Program"

or you can try this one which works in XP and many XP regedits, buyt not
all work in Vista because while many subkeys and values are identical, of
course not all are:

Go into the reg and find this key:


@="Shell Icon Overlay Manager"


then it will look like:

modify the default value of the InProcServer32 to an empty String Value
that is this -->> ""

So now the exported key looked like this:

@="Shell Icon Overlay Manager"


Reboot and the arrows should be gone.

As to the size of the icons, simply right click desktop>appearances>
entry on the list>(correlate to the Appearances tab in XP's display
properties dialogue box)>advanced button and select icon on the pull down
and you can adjust the size of the icon to a larger size there. You can
also adjust the font style, size and bold or italics there.



Jared (Home) said:

All my desktop shortcuts which are 32x32 have a 16x16 shortcut pointer
arrow on them. I can hardly see which icon is which.

Is there any solution or even way to remove them. Even if I had to
Vista disc.