1. Right Click Desktop> Select Properties> Desktop tab> Customize Desktop button> General tab> Clear Boxes in Desktop Icon Section.
2. There is also a Desktop Cleanup wizard, to clear installed icon shortcuts. But you really need to just Right click these icons, and Delete them. The pop up box will state that you are just deleting the desktop icon, and the icon for the program is still in the "All Programs" folder under the Start button.
3. In the future when installing a program, do not select to Add a desktop icon. If that option is not given during the installation process, then just delete the icon, from the desktop when the program is installed.
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There is a bar on the left side of my desktp that has menus on it including
the following: folder tasks, other places, my documents, details.
I would like to hide it or get rid of it from my desktop and have my picture
displayed acroos the entire screen.
How do I do this?