Desktop properties weird bug



Hi everybody,

I do not often have trouble with my XP system, but when I have it's always
very weird problems ! Once again, the bug I have is really strange, and I
have found nothing on it on the web. Here it is :

When I enter Windows Display properties, everything works fine except when I
choose the Desktop "chapter" (the second one out of 5 on my system). If I do
so, the Display Properties window freezes for about 3 minutes (!!), and CPU
usage goes to 100% due to rundll32. Anyway, the computer is usable to do
other things, but a bit slower than usual. After 3 minutes the Desktop
Properties eventually appears, and I can then browse any of the 5 "chapters"
of display properties normally (themes, destop, screensaver...) until I
close and re-open Display Propoeries. Then the problem occurs again if I go
to Desktop chapter.

When, after waiting 3 minutes, Desktop Properties eventually appear, I
cannot change the wallpaper. "Browse" and "Position" are greyed, but the
last button (called "Customization of Destop" in French) is available.

The only solution I have to change my wallpaper is to use Ultramon (a small
software managing several screens on a single computer). But I do not think
the bug is linked to that peculiar soft, because even in "safe mode", when
nothing is launched at startup, the problem occurs. I also put back the
original "WindowsShell.manifest" in my Windows directory, as advised on some
Internet sites, but no joy. I eventually made the oldest restauration I
could, it did not work.

That is not a serious bug, the computer really works fine, but if anybody
has heard of a solution, I will be very pleased ! Thank you,

- XP Pro + all updates
- 2 screens (17"CRT + 19"LCD) : the bug also occurs when I use a single
- Ultramon 2.5 (latest version)
- Geforce FX5200 : I could try but I didn't put the very latest drivers for
my graphic card, because I know I will spend hours to reconfigure
everything. I have had them for more than 1 year, and the Desktop Properties
still worked fine not so long ago.

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