A Whiteford
My desktop keeps alternating between a plain cream coloured background and a
white background. When it changes across the background flashes. The PC is
running very slowly. I can't reset in control panel, it won't accept
I've run Spybot and had problems (see post immediaely prior to this) and
don't know whether it's to do with that. I've also run ad-aware and deleted
5 new objects it found.
I've also run a couple of virus checkers (Trend and Mcafee on line) and they
haven't detected anything.
Recommendations on how to fix sought.
Perplexed & weary
white background. When it changes across the background flashes. The PC is
running very slowly. I can't reset in control panel, it won't accept
I've run Spybot and had problems (see post immediaely prior to this) and
don't know whether it's to do with that. I've also run ad-aware and deleted
5 new objects it found.
I've also run a couple of virus checkers (Trend and Mcafee on line) and they
haven't detected anything.
Recommendations on how to fix sought.
Perplexed & weary