desktop background image



How do you delete a desktop background image that was added to the list of
available images from the control panel via browising? It seems impossible
and the list just gets larger and larger.

Ramesh, MS-MVP

For the Display Properties Background tab, Windows XP fetches the image
files from the following locations:

BMP Files from %Systemroot% folder. This is usually C:\Windows

BMP, JPG, GIF, JPE, DIB, PNG, HTM files from the following locations:

a.. %Systemroot%\Web\Wallpaper
b.. %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\My Pictures (& sub-folders)
c.. %AppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer
d.. %ProgramFiles%\Plus!\Themes (& sub-folders)
If you want to clear a file from that list, move the file away from the
above locations. Type the above paths in Start, Run dialog.
Ramesh, MS-MVP
Windows Shell/User

Windows XP Troubleshooting

Windows XP Newsgroup Setup Instructions for Outlook Express:


Start>Search>Files and Filders>type WALLPAPER and click OK
Now when it shows a yellow folder icon with wallpaper after it,
doubleclick it. Now you'll see most of your background images (wallpaper)
on your PC and you can rightclick and delete to your hearts content.
Ramesh has indicated some more places to look.

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