Hi may i know which course i will need to study to become a professional
database designer. i want to be a consultant for it and also design it for at
lest small businesses. thanks
That's a big project, Amin, and I wish you luck.
Here are some resources I've found valuable:
Jeff Conrad's resources page:
The Access Web resources page:
Roger Carlson's tutorials, samples and tips:
A free tutorial written by Crystal:
A video how-to series by Crystal:
MVP Allen Browne's tutorials:
And then there's... practice, practice, practice. Work with some tolerant,
helpful, openminded clients (for a very low fee, explaining ahead of time that
you're still learning) to get experience with real problems, real users, and
real data. Get some of the books (if you can find a copy of Rebecca Riordan's
_Designing Relational Database Systems_ grab it; and look *hard* for it, it's
out of print). Getz, Litwin and Gilbert's _Access 2002 Developer's Handbook_
published by Sybex is huge, expensive, and worth ten times its price. Anything
by John Viescas is a goldmine as well.