Hi Luis,
In order to get a menu to pop up when right-clicking on a custom design
surface, you should do two things. The first thing is to create a class
implementing the Interface IMenuCommandService and add the service to the
custom design surface. The second thing is to add verbs to the
MenuCommandService. Note that the verbs you add to the MenuCommandService
is global verbs.
I will send you to your email box a sample project that implements context
menu on the custom form designer.
When you run the application, you'll see a TabControl on a form designer.
If you select the TabControl on the form, you should see four commands
appears on the command pane of the PropryGrid. If you righ-click on the
TabControl, a context menu pops up with four menu items in it.
If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know.
Linda Liu
Microsoft Online Community Support
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