Design time supprto howto?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robert Wallström
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Robert Wallström

Is there anyone out there who would know were I could find a good article on
howto implement design time support for my custom controls in .NET ?
I have just started trying to figure out this (nice) feature. So far I have
figured out that one could use a syntax like this
"[ToolboxDefaultattribute....]" just before the class/method head, but I
cant find wich methods/attributs (in a list) one could use.

I use C# and mostly code fore webpages (ASP.NET)

Any webpublished article would be nice.

Thanx in adwance...

Robert Wallström said:
Is there anyone out there who would know were I could find a good article on
howto implement design time support for my custom controls in .NET ?
I have just started trying to figure out this (nice) feature. So far I have
figured out that one could use a syntax like this
"[ToolboxDefaultattribute....]" just before the class/method head, but I
cant find wich methods/attributs (in a list) one could use.

I use C# and mostly code fore webpages (ASP.NET)

Any webpublished article would be nice.

Did you check on MSDN?
Hi John..
I have checked MSDN, but there cataloge is large (enormous;-)) and I have
searched in there for ahours, so if you have a Link to a specific page in
there library it would be great... And dont really know what to look for
since I dont know what the API ("[Default...]") for desing time support is

Thanx in adwance...

John Saunders said:
Robert Wallström said:
Is there anyone out there who would know were I could find a good
howto implement design time support for my custom controls in .NET ?
I have just started trying to figure out this (nice) feature. So far I have
figured out that one could use a syntax like this
"[ToolboxDefaultattribute....]" just before the class/method head, but I
cant find wich methods/attributs (in a list) one could use.

I use C# and mostly code fore webpages (ASP.NET)

Any webpublished article would be nice.

Did you check on MSDN?
Robert Wallström said:
Hi John..
I have checked MSDN, but there cataloge is large (enormous;-)) and I have
searched in there for ahours, so if you have a Link to a specific page in
there library it would be great... And dont really know what to look for
since I dont know what the API ("[Default...]") for desing time support is

The reason I asked is that here is the first page of search results from
doing a query of "design time support":

Enhancing Design-Time Support (.NET Framework Developer's Guide)
The .NET Framework provides an extensible architecture for customizing the
behavior and display of components and controls in design mode.

Design-Time Support for Windows Forms (.NET Framework Developer's Guide)
This section contains samples that show how to implement design-time support
in Windows Forms.

Design-Time Support for Web Forms (.NET Framework Developer's Guide)
This section contains topics that describe how to implement designers for
ASP.NET server controls. For background information about designer classes,
see Custom Designers.

Attributes and Design-Time Support (.NET Framework Developer's Guide)
Design-time support extensions are typically implemented in code that exists
separately from the code for a component. A variety of attributes are used
to associate design-time support providers with a type or an individual
member of a type.

Adding Design Time Support to ASP.NET Controls (ASP.NET Technical Articles)
Learn how to build controls that take advantage of Microsoft Visual Studio
..NET's design-time support, which makes them as easy to use as the built-in
controls that come with Microsoft ASP.NET. (36 printed pages)

MSDN Online Chats: Working With Data at Design Time in Visual Studio .NET
MSDN Online Chats: Working With Data at Design Time in Visual Studio .NET.
Posted May 29, 2002

MSDN Online Chats: Visual Basic .NET Language Design (September 30, 2003)
MSDN Online Chats: Visual Basic .NET Language Design. Posted October 15,

MSDN Online Chats: How to Integrate Windows CE .NET and the Intel PXA250
Processor in Your Next Embedded Design
MSDN Online Chats: How to Integrate Windows CE .NET and the Intel PXA250
Processor in Your Next Embedded Design. Posted April 8, 2002

Generalized Type Conversion (.NET Framework Developer's Guide)

MSDN Online Chats: Visual Basic .NET Language Design (July 29, 2003)
MSDN Online Chats: Visual Basic .NET Language Design. Paul Vick, the
architect of the Visual Basic .NET Language Specification, and other members
of the Visual Basic .NET team discuss design choices and concepts of the
Visual Basic language. Posted August 10, 2003