Yeah, I guess that's where I'm getting stuck. I am having a trouble writing a
macro that uses the date comparison condition to execute another macro. I
assume that I want to use the conditions within the macro for this purpose.
So, I need a condition expression that compares the Last_Update value
against the current date and based on the result it may execute a RunMacro
action to re-build the tables.
I have a table called [Update_Date] with 1 field called [Last_Update]. I
tried [Update_Date]![Last_Update] = Date() as the condition and RunMacro as
the action, but I always get an error that it can't find [Update_Date].
So am I close or completely off-base?
Immanuel Sibero said:
You could add a table with one date field and have your macro writes today's
date in it. The macro checks if today's date has been written to the table.
If today's date has not been written, execute the rebuild and write today's
date. If today's date has been written then exit.
Immanuel Sibero
How can I design a procedure that will run a macro on a conditional
basis...that is once, and only once, each day?
I need to re-build several tables once once each day, so I have a marco
handles these steps. However, I don't want the marco to run every time the
database is openned, only the the first time each day.