I have an access database that I use for tracking complaints. It was designed
by an IT person who is no longer on staff here and we currently do not have
anyone who is as knowledgeable in Access. When he set it up, he designed the
forms so that the toolbars are not visible and there is no way to acess them.
The only option that shows is "exit." I know that there is a key stroke that
will let me get into the design mode so that I can make changes but I can not
remember what it is. Does anyone know the key stroke that will allow me to
get into the design mode of the database?
Thank you.
by an IT person who is no longer on staff here and we currently do not have
anyone who is as knowledgeable in Access. When he set it up, he designed the
forms so that the toolbars are not visible and there is no way to acess them.
The only option that shows is "exit." I know that there is a key stroke that
will let me get into the design mode so that I can make changes but I can not
remember what it is. Does anyone know the key stroke that will allow me to
get into the design mode of the database?
Thank you.