Design Pattern?

  • Thread starter Thread starter pitachu
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I'm not an expect in .NET, so would anyone know an answer a design
pattern for the following?

There are many customers that require minor customizations to the
program I will be developing. I would like to reuse the majority of the
functionality of this program since each customer is only requiring
certain changes to this program.

Is there a way to design this so that the main base, skeleton of the
program is seperate from the customization and the different
customizations can be loaded like a snap on module? Sort of like a SNES
game system, and each cartridge makes the console provide a differnt
type of service? Is there a design pattern for this?


Yes, there are such patterns. Consider the Strategy pattern, for example.
Template Method can also be helpful.
Hi Dmytro,

Basically, the STANDARD version of this program should provide X number
of functionalities.

Customer A might like the standard version and would have all of X
number of functionalties, while Customer B will only need (X - N)
number of functionalities. But what happens in the case when Customer C
don't like just 1 or 2 of these functionalties and want us to replace
it with a modified version of functionalites? How could I just update
these "pluggable" modules so that everything else stays the same,
except those 2 functionalities? Or what if I want to add 3 NEW
functionalities in addition to this X number of standard

Is the Strategy pattern suitable for that?