Design Normalisation


Roger Bell

I have inherited a flat data base that has something like
50 fields, a heap of queries, forms and reports. I need
to Normalise the table and fields. Is it better to start
from fresh and then recreate all the forms, queries,
reports etc again, or work on a new model from the
existing table.

The existing table has fields like Namechild1,
Namechild2, Involvement1,Involvement2 to mention a few
which obviously causes redundancy and other problems. It
is basically a Members data base.
Thanks for any help

Allen Browne

Once you have created your normalized tables, you will find that the
existing queries are no good, as they use the old tables.

The forms and reports all use tables and queries as their RecordSource, so
once you have redesigned the tables and queries you must redesign them as

The upshot is that you will have to recreate the whole thing.

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