My challenge boils down to this: I have multiple-users going after 1 table,
each user has 1 or many of their own records which they can read and update;
they can only look at other users records; e.g. user1 can read/update records
flagged a or b or c while user2 can read/update records flagged d or e or f
but can only read records flagged a or b or c.
Currently there is no user login/password required. In another database I
have developed a modal form for userID & password input which is checked
against a lookup table, the userID is stored in a Global variable for later
access in an audit trail. Might work?
Any suggestions for the simplest solution. Thanks.
each user has 1 or many of their own records which they can read and update;
they can only look at other users records; e.g. user1 can read/update records
flagged a or b or c while user2 can read/update records flagged d or e or f
but can only read records flagged a or b or c.
Currently there is no user login/password required. In another database I
have developed a modal form for userID & password input which is checked
against a lookup table, the userID is stored in a Global variable for later
access in an audit trail. Might work?
Any suggestions for the simplest solution. Thanks.