I'm no expert in multilingual applications, but here are a few things that
spring to mind immediately.
First, you need to be sure that your version of Access (really, MS Jet) can
actually store & display the characters of each language concerned. You'd be
better using a "unicode enabled" version of Access; ie. any version after
Access 97.
Second, you need some way to change the language of titles, labels, button
captions, message boxes, and so on, throughout your application, depending
on the language chosen. A crude method might be to give an ID number to each
title, label, caption & message etc. The title, label, caption or message
would be set initially to its ID number. Then code could run to replace that
number with the correct text, chosen from a language table:
ID English French
1 Hello John Bonjour Jean
2 Goodbye folks Au revoir, mes amis
I'm sure that there are dozens of other important issues. I think you have
quite some work ahead of you.