Design changes not saving in form

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Hi All

I have a form in a Access 2000 database that contains several subforms in a
tabbed table. The database and forms work fine except every morning I find
that three of the subforms have changed to a different form in the database,
the other three forms stay as they should. Changing them back saves ok and
then all is well.

I can find no mention of this in the server event log so have no idea why it
is happening.

We use Access 2000 & 2003 and the database is stored on a Win2003 server.

If you have any ideas I would really appreciate some help.


So the form is loading the wrong subform in 3 cases?

If you are sure that no user is actually opening the form in design view,
and changing it, your database may be corrupting. Try the following

1. Uncheck the boxes under:
Tools | Options | General | Name AutoCorrect
Explanation of why:

2. Compact the database to get rid of this junk:
Tools | Database Utilities | Compact

3. If all users are actually opening the same mdb file, you need to split it
into two parts:
- the back end which contains just the tables, and is shared to all users;
- the front end which has just the attached tables, and contains all other
objects (queries, forms, report, code...).
If this is new, see:

4. Decompile the database, and recompile using the lowest version. If you
have been editing it with A2003, then close the database, and enter
something like this at the command prompt while Access is not running. It is
all one line, and include the quotes, supplying the path to the A2003
"c:\Program Files\Microsoft office\office\msaccess.exe" /decompile
Then open the database in A2000, compact, and compile.
Distribute this one as the front end to all users.

The Name-AutoCorrupt issue will probably solve the problem, but the other
steps will help keep you out of trouble. For further suggestions, see:
Preventing Corruption
There's lots of important info there, including checking the service packs
of both Office and JET on each workstation.
Hello Allen

Thank you for your great response.

The form has been loading the wrong subforms. I am sure that the users are
not changing anything. It is strange that the problem seems to occur the
first time the database is opened each day. Once I have corrected the
problem it holds the correct forms no matter how many times it is opened. Is
it possible the overnight backup could be affecting it?

I have followed your advice and removed the Name Autocorrect tick, I have
also compacted. I won't know if this has fixed it until tomorrow morning!

I tried to split the database as suggested using the Database splitter
utility however I keep receiving the following two message boxes:

"Subscript Out Of Range" & "Invalid procedure call or argument"

Do you have any idea what may be causing this? I would like to split the
databases but can get no further than the error messages.

Thank you very much for you help so far

The overnight backup should not affect it, though the backup itself might be
corrupt if users are not logged out at the time.

This article contains Microsoft's suggestions for when the wizards don't
Hopefully something there will solve the problem with the splitter wizard.

To be honest, I've never used that wizard anyway: it's dead easy to create a
new mdb, turn off Name AutoCorrect, and import the tables: File | Get
External | Import. That's your back end. You can then create another mdb,
and link the tables (File | Get External | Link), import the other objects,
and that's your front end.

Splitting is absolutely essential to the integrity of your database.
I have split databases in a similar manner to your suggestion but thought
that the wizards might do something more to it. I will use the old-fashion
method as this seems to work.

Many thanks for your suggestions, you're very kind.
