deserialization problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dante
  • Start date Start date



i have a problem deserializing an object. that object is an arraylist
wich has customized classes stored. these classes(dlls) are stored in
a subfolder of the mainprogram. serialization is ok, but when i try to
deserilize it, the program is not able to locate the dll. my question
is, how do i provide information to the formater (that i am using to
deserialize the class) about the location of the dll that is needed
for the deserialization?

thanks in advance,
Hi Dante

Have you tried using the event AppDomain.AssemblyResolve or appending a private assembly path using AppDomain.AppendPrivatePath? The AssemblyResolve event occurs when loading an assembly fails. By registering an event handler for this event you can load the right assembly "manually"

Regards, Jakob.