deployment question

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dicky Cheng
  • Start date Start date

Dicky Cheng


I have a BUSY web site and I made modification in the dll file of the web
site. I just replace the dll in the bin folder (from v1 to v2) and the web
request queueing up and stop responding. I rollback the deployment (use
v1 dll) and the request queue goes down and back to normal. I am not sure
this behavior is normal, or any recommendation for deployment guideline
(constraint is that i only have one web server).

Dicky Cheng
With .NET assemblies the AssemblyVersion - part of what comprises an
assembly name - is very important. Assemblies reference a specific
version of dependent assemblies. You either need to recompile all
assemblies or redirect requests for the older version to the newer one.
You can do this through the Web.config file or a publisher policy. Read
for more information.
Well, my guess is the issue was either caused by the deployment itself, or a
bug in the dll.

You may first want to test your new dll on a development machine. You should
especially try some load testing to see if your dll handles a lot of
traffic. Sometimes code will work fine under light load but break under
heavy load -- that could be the case with your new dll.

Load testing tools: You can try The MS Web Application Stress Tool
stres.mspx) -- it's free and not too hard to use. VS.NET Enterprise Edition
comes with Application Center Test. There are also some other freeware or
shareware apps (everything from perl scripts to full GUIs) floating around.

If you feel your dll is bug-free, you could try deploying it at a less busy
time (e.g. 3am?) and see if the web server eventually recovers. If it
doesn't I guess you could restart IIS after deploying the new dll.

If, after deploying the dll, restarting IIS, etc. your web site still hangs,
I would then assume that there's still some bug in your new DLL.
If you feel your dll is bug-free, you could try deploying it at a less
time (e.g. 3am?) and see if the web server eventually recovers. If it
doesn't I guess you could restart IIS after deploying the new dll.

So is there any possibility dll will hang during high loading?