Deploying with MSHTML?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark H
  • Start date Start date

Mark H

Hi all,

I've been scouring the net today looking for answers but have yet to
find one. I hope someone can help me out.

Here's my problem, I wrote a C# app that uses MSHTML to parse the DOM
of a HTML page. I created a setup project to deploy the app and I've
installed it on my dev machine. Everything works great. However, when
I install the app on a machine other than my dev, the MSHTML parsing
doesn't work.

I wasn't sure what the problem was so I tried removing the dependent
dll's from my install directory and found that the program would still
run without Microsoft.mshtml.dll in there so that leads me to believe
there's something going on with MSHTML. I'm not sure what.

Does anyone have any ideas about this?


Here's my problem, I wrote a C# app that uses MSHTML to parse the DOM
of a HTML page. I created a setup project to deploy the app and I've
installed it on my dev machine. Everything works great. However, when
I install the app on a machine other than my dev, the MSHTML parsing
doesn't work.

Most likely, you missed the "Primary Interop Assembly" for MSHTML -
tricky part is, it's nowhere where you'd expect it to be (and it's
*NOT* installed in the GAC on a user machine with the .NET framework,

Check your "{program files}\Microsoft.NET\Primary Interop Assemblies"
directory - there should be a 8+ MB large file Microsoft.mshtml.dll,
which you'll also need to install onto the user's computer in order
for MSHTML stuff to work.

Marc Scheuner May The Source Be With You!
Bern, Switzerland m.scheuner(at)