Ok, I tried that, and it came up with the folowing error:
"The specified path
http://intranetdev/http://ComWebDev/webservices/CoM.BisApplication' is
unavailable. The Internet Information Server might not be running or
the path exists and is redirected to another machine. Please check the
status of this virtual directory in the Internet Services Manager."
So I can only assume that it needs a relative path. It is the
http://intranetdev part that I need to change...
It is a strange case.
In fact, I had experienced a similar problem in a Windows2003 Server for
Small Business Server version (2003 SBS).
The Small Business Server will install many WebSites by default.
One is "Default Web Site", one is "companyweb" in my case, the other two
about something other.
My problem was that , my ASPNET application installer always installs
application in "companyweb". Hence, my app did not work in normal by
"http://<prefer machinename>/folder/..".
In fact, it was my first time to use 2003 SBS and multiple sites IIS (in
fact, this problem was in customer site).
Finally, I found that I could use the full URL to select which site the
webapp to install in.
http://localhost/folder" => install in "Default Web Site",
http://companyweb/folder" => install in "companyweb",
Hence, I preferred it also work for your case.
Because of your case, I actually tested in a normal 2003 standard
server. I created an additional WebSite to test the problem.
Actually, you were right. I also got the smae problem. I do not know
what is the diference between 2003 SBS and standard server.
One of the method I think you can try -
I found that using the default VirtualFolder in ASPNET app installer,
the app always install in ONE website (not "always Default Web Site").
If you bind different IP addresses to the WebSites, I found that
application will be installed always in the "samll' IP site.
e.g. if one IP is "" , another is "".
The webapp always will be installed in "".
Hence, you may try to change the IP which are bound to the websites
before install apps. Then, change the IP back to original after
Of cause, you can also use XCOPY method to install webapp and create
virtual directory manually. It always works for Dotnet app.