Back in the Old days, I compile a C++ executable, copy the dll's used by
this executable to the same folder. Go to another computer, copy that folder
locally, double click on the exe file and off we go....
Today, I have a C# .NET executable, I copied the used .NET dll into the same
folder. Went to the other computer copied the folder locally. I double click
on the exe file and a lot of errors that looks like Access violations except
it is caled differently.
The Microsoft slogan is no more dll-hell, but this is for me a real dll
hell. :-(
So the question now is: how can I make the exe install/register/whatever
this dll when it discovers that it is not installed yet.
One sollution is probaly to create a setup project, another is somehow
manually add this dll, but I wish not to bother any users with these
additional steps.
I see a lot of examples for web deployment, on the Internet, but so far
nothing usefull for normal executables.
And also interesting, why does the exe startup code not have an check if the
..NET frame work is installed or net?
Back in the Old days, the exe at least told you that you needed Windows in
order to run this executable (Stub) but the .NET executables today gives
some wierd error like a missing mscoree.dll or something even scary. And it
scares the hell out of me every time I meet another computer that has no
..NET framework installed.
Any tips are welcom.
(I am using C# 2002 version)
this executable to the same folder. Go to another computer, copy that folder
locally, double click on the exe file and off we go....
Today, I have a C# .NET executable, I copied the used .NET dll into the same
folder. Went to the other computer copied the folder locally. I double click
on the exe file and a lot of errors that looks like Access violations except
it is caled differently.
The Microsoft slogan is no more dll-hell, but this is for me a real dll
hell. :-(
So the question now is: how can I make the exe install/register/whatever
this dll when it discovers that it is not installed yet.
One sollution is probaly to create a setup project, another is somehow
manually add this dll, but I wish not to bother any users with these
additional steps.
I see a lot of examples for web deployment, on the Internet, but so far
nothing usefull for normal executables.
And also interesting, why does the exe startup code not have an check if the
..NET frame work is installed or net?
Back in the Old days, the exe at least told you that you needed Windows in
order to run this executable (Stub) but the .NET executables today gives
some wierd error like a missing mscoree.dll or something even scary. And it
scares the hell out of me every time I meet another computer that has no
..NET framework installed.
Any tips are welcom.

(I am using C# 2002 version)