Deployement How to do this?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mat
  • Start date Start date


I have a solution which contain 3 projects. one of them is class library
which is used in two others projects.

I don't want to install two copies of the class library in client PC.
but i would like that projects share the same dll.

i would like to install the class library in c:/program files/common Files/
and others project should check if the share dll is there. if not there will
install it.

Is it possible?
I have a solution which contain 3 projects. one of them is class library
which is used in two others projects.

I don't want to install two copies of the class library in client PC.
but i would like that projects share the same dll.

How big is the DLL? Is it that big that you don't want to share it?
Disk space is so cheap these days. Keep two copies and then one app
will work even if the other is deleted/uninstalled (since it has it's
own private copy).

There's also the Global Assembly Cache (gac). But private deployment is