I try to deploy App with Microsoft report viewer (rdlc).
I know about ReportViewer.exe Installer from microsoft,
but for some reasons i prefer to not use with this
in target computer. so i prepare simple App with rdlc
and i Add to execute dir these files:
(i find that these files need to run report:
http://www.devx.com/dotnet/Article/30424 )
and i add refrance to project for these files.
I try to run it on target computer that have Framework 2.0,
and i got on ReportViewer window this Err:
"could not load file or assembly
or one of its depenencies
When i run the App without copy these file to execute dir,
the App cause .NET err that i can see only in Event viewer,
with strange description and App not open at all.
I try to deploy App with Microsoft report viewer (rdlc).
I know about ReportViewer.exe Installer from microsoft,
but for some reasons i prefer to not use with this
in target computer. so i prepare simple App with rdlc
and i Add to execute dir these files:
(i find that these files need to run report:
http://www.devx.com/dotnet/Article/30424 )
and i add refrance to project for these files.
I try to run it on target computer that have Framework 2.0,
and i got on ReportViewer window this Err:
"could not load file or assembly
or one of its depenencies
When i run the App without copy these file to execute dir,
the App cause .NET err that i can see only in Event viewer,
with strange description and App not open at all.