i'm relatively new to access and appreciate any help you can give...
what i THOUGHT i wanted to do was set up dependent fields, but then read
that "In the ideal database design, the fields are not dependent on each
other, so if you are comparing fields, you might consider whether there is
another way to design the table".
i'm trying to compare a person's test score to the passing score for that
test, which varies from test to test, but i want to get a
percentage-above-passing number that can be used to compare people who take
different tests. (does that make sense?)
can anyone advise me on how to set up a field so that it generates a value
based on what data is entered in another field in that record (i.e. fills in
the passing score based on which test i choose for that test-taker), OR a
better way to design it so i don't have to do that?
i also need to do the same kind of thing in a different situation: i have an
evaluation rubric that scores on a scale of 1-5, with a N/A option. i want to
use the database to get the persons score out of the total possible points.
so for each criteria on which the person scores a 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, the total
possible points are 5. but if they score a N/A the total possible points are
0. the total possible points will then be added up...
thanks very much for any help you can give me!!
what i THOUGHT i wanted to do was set up dependent fields, but then read
that "In the ideal database design, the fields are not dependent on each
other, so if you are comparing fields, you might consider whether there is
another way to design the table".
i'm trying to compare a person's test score to the passing score for that
test, which varies from test to test, but i want to get a
percentage-above-passing number that can be used to compare people who take
different tests. (does that make sense?)
can anyone advise me on how to set up a field so that it generates a value
based on what data is entered in another field in that record (i.e. fills in
the passing score based on which test i choose for that test-taker), OR a
better way to design it so i don't have to do that?
i also need to do the same kind of thing in a different situation: i have an
evaluation rubric that scores on a scale of 1-5, with a N/A option. i want to
use the database to get the persons score out of the total possible points.
so for each criteria on which the person scores a 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, the total
possible points are 5. but if they score a N/A the total possible points are
0. the total possible points will then be added up...
thanks very much for any help you can give me!!