Demonoid down .


Sep 30, 2005
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So they closed down Demonoid . This isn't just about illegal file shareing this is about errossion of freedom .!

Like I said this is about the big and rich and powerful doing whatever they want to make us do what they tell us . Sod them and fight for freedom and equality for all .

After blocking canadian users so that they comliped with the law Demonoid were still shut down . The bully boys decided that they were above the law and would do what they wanted to for the good of the people . Didn't Hitler have the same philosophy .

Extract from the zeropaid article ,

Apparently blocking Canadian visitors was not enough. But, shouldn't it be legal in Canada if it technically complies with Canadian copyright laws? As usual the CRIA doesn't seem to care and Demonoid will no doubt be forced to pack up and move elsewhere once again. Maybe Sweden will be its next stop.

What's interesting to also note is that the CRIA has been reduced to little more than a front for foreign music interests. After the much publicized departure of virtually all canadian music labels last year following a dispute over radio content rules and grant programs for emerging artists, it became truly apparent to all that the "C" in the CRIA means anything but Canadian these days and should instead read "Cartel" to accurately describe its desire to control the supply and demand of all things music. At the very least it ought to drop the "C" and add an "A," for all it is is a foreign subsidiary of the RIAA.

Yet, despite all this the CRIA is allowed to throw its weight around in Canada and to pressure ISPs to shut down sites even if they seem to comply with Canadian laws. So much for national sovereignty and net neutrality.

The move also goes against the results of a study funded by the CANADIAN GOVT no less that concluded that P2P and file-sharing services actually increase physical CD sales. The Impact of Music Downloads and P2P File-Sharing on the Purchase of Music: A Study For Industry Canada, a a newly commissioned study by Industry Canada, a ministry of the federal government, includes some of the most extensive surveying to date on the music purchasing habits of the Canadian population.

and the conclusion of the article ,

Plus, not every artist is available online or would be something you would normally be exposed too. Being that I live in the United States it's not like I get to hear about new artists in other countries. P2P allows me to grab a track or an album and get more involved in the UK music scene for example. It also gives me a reason to go out and see bands from there when they pass through town. How does this not benefit the music industry?

Do they really want music to remain a dumbed down industry where it consists of radio, MTV's TRL, and Wal-Mart? Judging by the pressure it's placed on Demonoid's ISP I think we all know the answer to this one.

An heres some more info on what big brother wants to do ,

So now they are linking child porn to illegal music downloads . how long will it be before you have a chip in your head monitoring your every thought ,

FAST even tries to make the old child pornography tie-in, saying that "If it were child pornography, there would be no question at all about that person being barred." So now a bootleg copy of Sim City is the same thing as a nude, underage child? I think not.

An they want to forget all about our laws and fast track past them ,

It seems that FAST has grown weary of the cumbersome legal process in which it must actually "... go through the courts and get a court order against the ISPs to give information on people performing illegal activities." Calling the process "long-winded, archaic, and very expensive," it wants to work more closely with ISPs and develop a "...simpler methodology to track down people using the networks for illegal activity and either bargain or give details to agencies and stop them from doing it."

heres a comment from a reader of the article ,

#14 i think the goverment needs to focus on more important things like getting a grip on illegal immigrants and yob behaviour before they start saying about illegal downloading for gods sake and anyway people do it because of the expensive prices of cds and dvds one eyed gordon brown needs his head testing before he says about anything else that man makes me so angry really does

There are immune countries out there where these sites could be hosted with no consequences.

These sites popup daily, I don't think Demonoid will be gone for that long.
Its not the fact that this site was taken down . Its how it was done and what these people are trying to do that is the worrying thing . Hitler and Stalin may be dead but these people are using the same methods and if people do not fight for freedom then Orwells big Brother will become a reality .

ok this site did have copyright stuff on it but none where host on there server.

This work like torrey spy but in a better and it,s a shame it,s gone.

Site called tv links went down not long ago.

Even posting links is breaking copyright , tv links host no files at all.
Alrighty, lemme go against the grain :)

(and I use limewire and I can host stuff and know how to use PM's and e-mail)

How do you earn a living?

Do you sit on the checkout at Tescos, perhaps you are a doorman at a nightclub or maybe you make cups and saucers for this fair populace of ours.

Whatever, there's one thing in common - to feed yourself you have to donate time and labour - agreed?

And for giving up your time and energy you are paid.

So it goes.

Some of us choose to entertain the rest of the population by creating music, movies or other multi-media entertainment.

This takes time and sometimes money, much the same as any other job does.

We may not feed you but we entertain you. So how is this basically different from working at any other career to make money?

And what we have here is people getting very indignant that they can't get hold of other people's labour and work for totally free.

Come on, think about it, supposing you grew vegetables and left them on a table by the roadside, unmanned, for people to buy on trust. And then everybody took all your vegetables without paying for them. How would you feel?

Yes, I know talented people are overpaid, cos we all buy their stuff and corporate companies exploit talent to feather their own nests. But it's always been like that, from Charlie Chaplin, Fay Wray and Al Jolson onwards.

So there you go, just trying to look at things from the other side of the fence, maybe if the RIAA and the BPI took my point of view and were less heavy handed, the true benefactors (that is, the artists and musicians) may benefit more.

And on a peronal note and a personal note only, I don't even feel guilty about 'sampling' music because for over 30 years I've been spreading music and I figure I've sold just as much music as any concentrated advertising campaign has done just through enthusiastic championing of lots and lots of music.

You may have gathered, but I'm a music fan :)

About 1200 CD's, more than half paid for, and a lockup chock full of Vinyl and cassettes, all paid for.

A matter of perspective, it's not all one-sided :)
A good argument flops .
However we live in a society where we have laws . Apparently Demonoid are breaking no laws and yet they have been shut down . Not by adeharance to lawfull means but by bully boy tactics . These so called Public Guardians are operating ouside of the law and doing as they please . Do you think you could get away with what they are doing . Not very likely .
If these people want to stop copyright infringment then they should go about it in a lawful manner .

If they are claiming that it is in the publics good that Demonoid and otheres should be shut down because they link to material likely to breajk copyright . Then they should shut down sites like Google and Yahoo etc for the public good too for far worse crimes . As they host links to racist sites , child pornography , terrorist information and aa whole lot more .

Got this from torrentfreak news

IsoHunt is not alone in their battle with the MPAA. Last month TorrentSpy, another site named in the MPAA lawsuit blocked access to US users on their site. However, the takedown of IsoHunt’s trackers will have an even bigger effect on the BitTorrent community worldwide, especially because TorrentBox runs one of the biggest public BitTorrent trackers. As mentioned by the Isohunt team, this means that users outside the US will see less peers connected to their torrents which may result in slower download speeds.

The MPAA announced the lawsuit (PDF) against Torrentspy, Torrentbox and Isohunt in February 2006. Isohunt owner Gary later told TorrentFreak that they will not bow down to the MPAA. Isohunt hired a top-notch lawyer, specialized in Internet copyrights. It now seems that this wasn’t enough to keep the trackers in the air. For now, the websites are still available to US visitors.

The MPAA argues that the sole purpose of these BitTorrent trackers and sites is to share copyrighted content. But they are wrong according to Gary, who said, “We process copyright takedown requests daily, and have done so for hundreds of requests in the past, if not thousands. We work with all copyright owners, and even the RIAA email us routinely. The MPAA is the only organization unwilling to cooperate with us.”

Luckily, quite a lot of torrents are tracked by more that one tracker these days. And if that doesn’t work there’s always DHT. You can read more about how to protect yourself from failing BitTorrent trackers in this article. Long live the hydra!

at last someone is standing up to these scumbags called the mpaa
Freedom . Pirates love freedom .

Heres an extract ,

Birgersson said opposition to increasing restrictions on the Internet would not go away.

"We've had a lot of people trying to get more control of the Internet, mostly coming from commercial interests and corporate lobbies or religious countries like Iran," he said. "They think they can take control of the Internet, but there's a lot of smart people out there that you don't want to have against you."
