I knew it wouldn't be long before the cretin announced his
retirement again (see alt.malicious.hackers).
It looks like his recent bashing in these groups has taken its
toll. Or was it the fact my Army of Darkness have dug up some
personal facts on him? Maybe he was shocked when I used his
wifes real name 'Glenda' and it made him wonder how does he
know that??? Or how his family life, school and church activites
are all there for the taking.
I think it's a case of playing with fire then having your fingers
burnt, Dimbulb you idiot... You published Beatsons address
without regard, then threatened the Police about his alleged
sawnoff shotgun without any proof except for some BS printed
for a laugh in these groups. But when it comes to hitting back
with the dirt file we've compiled about you and your family,
yeah well you don't like it do ya?
He's got a new cover story btw. Apparently he made a mistake
on the $53 lottery ticket, he re-checked his number and guess
what the guy has hinted he will be starting a new life, moving
out of his trailerpark, pumping up the tires, and on to greener
pastures. Well if you have come into money Dimbulb, I'm going
to instruct my lawyer not to bother putting a charge over your
Items No. 305657094000 and 305657073000
As they are worth **** all anyway ($20,000).
Don't forget idiot I've got people in Ohio that can check the
facts and if I find out you do have money, I will be coming
out of the VR and into the RL to stake my claim. Escrowed
documents will be released.
Your SINcere Nemesis
retirement again (see alt.malicious.hackers).
It looks like his recent bashing in these groups has taken its
toll. Or was it the fact my Army of Darkness have dug up some
personal facts on him? Maybe he was shocked when I used his
wifes real name 'Glenda' and it made him wonder how does he
know that??? Or how his family life, school and church activites
are all there for the taking.
I think it's a case of playing with fire then having your fingers
burnt, Dimbulb you idiot... You published Beatsons address
without regard, then threatened the Police about his alleged
sawnoff shotgun without any proof except for some BS printed
for a laugh in these groups. But when it comes to hitting back
with the dirt file we've compiled about you and your family,
yeah well you don't like it do ya?
He's got a new cover story btw. Apparently he made a mistake
on the $53 lottery ticket, he re-checked his number and guess
what the guy has hinted he will be starting a new life, moving
out of his trailerpark, pumping up the tires, and on to greener
pastures. Well if you have come into money Dimbulb, I'm going
to instruct my lawyer not to bother putting a charge over your
Items No. 305657094000 and 305657073000
As they are worth **** all anyway ($20,000).
Don't forget idiot I've got people in Ohio that can check the
facts and if I find out you do have money, I will be coming
out of the VR and into the RL to stake my claim. Escrowed
documents will be released.
Your SINcere Nemesis