Hi Randy,
Basically there are 3 possibilities that you're facing.
There might be a firewall at your Internet Service Provider,
installed on your computer, or built into your Router/Modem.
To test for this and to correct it visit:
As for how to open ports, the 2nd part of this article describes
how that is done if you have a router installed. Here's How to
Configure a Router to Play Online:
Jimmy S.
Microsoft MVP Windows XP Shell/User:
Additional Support Resources: My Zone.com Helpsite:
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My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any rights.
| I play DFLW but a few weeks ago i could not get into nova
| games and still cannot i emailed nova and they said to
| open some port or check for firewall. I have checked for
| firewall and cannot find any and have no idea how to open
| a port . any help would be appreciated.