Delphi and windows xp Internet explorer and My Computer error



Every time i attempt to run internet explorer, My
Computer, or the Windows XP search feature i get a message
that says 'this module was compiled in a trial version of
delphi. Your trial period is over.' Does anyone have any
idea what the problem is and more importantly how to fix
it?? would reinstalling work???

Ramesh [MVP]

Hi Doug,

This problem is due to a spyware which we have been seeing lately.

To identify the malware product causing the problem:

First, download MVP Doug's Windows XP Startup Programs Tracker and post the
LOG file here:

and download Hijackthis from the following site and post the results to
newsgroup or send a mail to me. (remove the text "REMOV_NOSPAM" in the email


Ramesh - Microsoft MVP

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

~ Please reply to newsgroup ~

Every time i attempt to run internet explorer, My
Computer, or the Windows XP search feature i get a message
that says 'this module was compiled in a trial version of
delphi. Your trial period is over.' Does anyone have any
idea what the problem is and more importantly how to fix
it?? would reinstalling work???

David Candy

If you have pro type

reg export "HKLM\SoftwareMicrosoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects" "%userprofile%\desktop\bho.reg"

and post the file bho.reg that will appear on your desktop.

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