Dell Speakers - A215 - Left no sound?

May 6, 2008
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Hi. I have a Dell Dimension 3000 computer running Windows XP, I know that doesnt matter at all :] I have a question about my speakers. I have the model A215 and one day, the left speaker seemed to be going in and out. Some days it would work, others it would not. Recently, the speaker wouldnt work at all. It is not my computer, because I have purchased new speakers and they work fine. I also want to say that the left speakers WORKS!. I plugged it into a 2.1 system, and sound comes out of it. I concluded that it was the connector on the right speaker, the place the left one plugs into. Is there any way to fix this? Jiggling it did not help, and I dont want to take it apart, unless I know what I am doing. Thanks in advance.
