chrisv said:
Screw 'em. I used to be a Sony fan, but I've tired of their constant
proprietary trickery, e.g. their memsticks.
I have an old amd Sony laptop, it's better then my wifes Dell. It's a
PCG-FX215 as of this minute it has an uptime of 74 days crunching
RC5-72. Battery is taken out is running on the mains only, so any power
glitch it will go down. It's running Ubuntu at the moment, but I want
to switch it to Debian Etch. Never could get used to sudo, when I added
root, and a regular user I get all sorts of problems, like synaptic not
working. Not to mention I am upset at Ubuntu in general over their
treatment of Debian developers and not giving back.
I am a little confused, Dell is upset at Sony because it made the
batteries? Since when does Dell buy from Japan I thought it was all on
main land China? Maybe I will see if I can get a new set of batteries
for my wifes 600M, I can hope can't I. I think Dell is looking for a
scapegoat, hope it hurts their quarter as this is the month of back to
school buying.