Hi all.
I have a Dell Optiplex GX280 machine that was moved last week, not by me
-- movers, to another building. It was working just fine (no problems
before the move). Today, I rehooked it up, powered on, and started using
it and left it idled. The system was shutting itself off(?) [DVI video
signal loss too] without any errors (even checked event logs in Windows
XP Pro. SP2 (all updates) and CMOS (nothing weird). Back of the case
showed yellow B and all other letters green. Manual doesn't have this
one listed so I don't know what it means.
At first, I thought it was the APC UPS and power management because I
noticed my front case light is orange (manual says yellow -- whatever).
This happened like three times and randomly (can be 15/30 minutes to
three hours). According to the manual, this means a system/hardware
issue. I doubt it is a heat issue because I wasn't using the machine
agressively (e.g., typing in Outlook 2003, filling out forms in XP Pro.
SP2's IE6.0 SP2, idled with a light 2D screen saver).
A coworker and I tried looking inside the computer case, and found
nothing odd. No weird burning odor, no blown capticators, nose loose
hardwares, etc. that we could see. Then, turning on the sytem, then blue
screens during Windows XP's boot up. Checked again in the case, put it
back, etc. SATA HDD not found. Checked again, especially the HDD
connection, then it is fine. But my machine shut off again for its third
Then, coworker and I decided to try another Dell machine (not the same
exact model -- GX270). For some reason, Windows XP Pro. SP2 wouldn't
boot up (saw BIOS and CMOS) and showed a video signal loss again! I even
tried safe mode, and same thing. I actually got in safe mode ONCE, but
my USB keyboard and mouse didn't respond and I had to hold down power
button for five seconds to shutdown manually.
I was wondering if my monitor and cable were bad. I tried another LCD
monitor with another DVI cable, and same thing. So, I doubt it is a
video issue (note different computer with another video card in it).
For kicks, I thought maybe the HDD was going bad, which made no sense
but whatever. I couldn't run Ghost 2003 (DOS; ghost.exe) from a bootable
CD. It kept crashing(?) and showing video signal loss again! Remember,
this is a GX270 machine not GX280. I just wanted to copy my old datas to
another HDD.
So, I put my HDD back into the GX280 machine and now my machine doesn't
boot up anymore. I get a blinking orange light which is system board
failure or something in the manual. Back lights show no letter lighted up.
Any ideas on what the problem is and what to try tomorrow?
"Caution is not cowardice; even the ants march armed." --Ugandan Proverb
/ /\ /\ \ Phil/Ant @ http://antfarm.home.dhs.org (Personal Web Site)
| |o o| | Ant's Quality Foraged Links (AQFL): http://aqfl.net
\ _ / Remove ANT from e-mail address: (e-mail address removed)
( ) or (e-mail address removed)
Ant is currently not listening to any songs on his home computer.
I have a Dell Optiplex GX280 machine that was moved last week, not by me
-- movers, to another building. It was working just fine (no problems
before the move). Today, I rehooked it up, powered on, and started using
it and left it idled. The system was shutting itself off(?) [DVI video
signal loss too] without any errors (even checked event logs in Windows
XP Pro. SP2 (all updates) and CMOS (nothing weird). Back of the case
showed yellow B and all other letters green. Manual doesn't have this
one listed so I don't know what it means.
At first, I thought it was the APC UPS and power management because I
noticed my front case light is orange (manual says yellow -- whatever).
This happened like three times and randomly (can be 15/30 minutes to
three hours). According to the manual, this means a system/hardware
issue. I doubt it is a heat issue because I wasn't using the machine
agressively (e.g., typing in Outlook 2003, filling out forms in XP Pro.
SP2's IE6.0 SP2, idled with a light 2D screen saver).
A coworker and I tried looking inside the computer case, and found
nothing odd. No weird burning odor, no blown capticators, nose loose
hardwares, etc. that we could see. Then, turning on the sytem, then blue
screens during Windows XP's boot up. Checked again in the case, put it
back, etc. SATA HDD not found. Checked again, especially the HDD
connection, then it is fine. But my machine shut off again for its third
Then, coworker and I decided to try another Dell machine (not the same
exact model -- GX270). For some reason, Windows XP Pro. SP2 wouldn't
boot up (saw BIOS and CMOS) and showed a video signal loss again! I even
tried safe mode, and same thing. I actually got in safe mode ONCE, but
my USB keyboard and mouse didn't respond and I had to hold down power
button for five seconds to shutdown manually.
I was wondering if my monitor and cable were bad. I tried another LCD
monitor with another DVI cable, and same thing. So, I doubt it is a
video issue (note different computer with another video card in it).
For kicks, I thought maybe the HDD was going bad, which made no sense
but whatever. I couldn't run Ghost 2003 (DOS; ghost.exe) from a bootable
CD. It kept crashing(?) and showing video signal loss again! Remember,
this is a GX270 machine not GX280. I just wanted to copy my old datas to
another HDD.
So, I put my HDD back into the GX280 machine and now my machine doesn't
boot up anymore. I get a blinking orange light which is system board
failure or something in the manual. Back lights show no letter lighted up.
Any ideas on what the problem is and what to try tomorrow?
"Caution is not cowardice; even the ants march armed." --Ugandan Proverb
/ /\ /\ \ Phil/Ant @ http://antfarm.home.dhs.org (Personal Web Site)
| |o o| | Ant's Quality Foraged Links (AQFL): http://aqfl.net
\ _ / Remove ANT from e-mail address: (e-mail address removed)
( ) or (e-mail address removed)
Ant is currently not listening to any songs on his home computer.