Dell Latitude Hard disk making noisy even if no process being used

Jul 16, 2006
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I have a Dell Latitude and it is 3 years old. Recently, the hard disk is making this noise as if a process is happening even if I am not doing anything with the laptop. I am not even connected to the internet. Has anyone encountered this problem? How do I trouble-shoot?

something is obviously doing something. ;)

i'd open task manager, click on the "processes tab" sort by CPU usage, sit back and look for CPU utilisation fluctuation when you hear the hard disk working. make a note of the process(es) and google them to find out what they are.


thanks for the reply. i actually also have the task manager open earlier to check this and looked at the System Idle Process %. It was 95% and the CPU usage is fluctuating between 0-3%. At the time, I have Excel and Word open but was not editing nor reading nor scrolling. i thought of checking for hard disk integrity.

System Idle process is normally on 95%, it is always high when the system is idling, it goes lower when things are running. Watch out, there's been a spate of Dell laptops actually catching fire, after one caught fire at a Japanese conference, then people started saying, "My Dell laptop's caught fire!"

Google for it!