Dell Inspiron 1300 switches itself off!!

Oct 6, 2004
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i own a Dell inspiron 1300, pretty basic but it turns itself off when it gets too hot. This i don't mind but when i was recently installing windows service pack 2 it turned itself off. 3 TIMES. I don't know whether it is getting too hot but it doesn't come up with the normal screen that says it overheated. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
If you feel confident enough . Take of a side panel and see how much dust you have inside the pc . It is spring so maybee it is time to spring clean .

Have you taken a look on the Dell Forum? Someone there has a similar problem to yourself, and discovered that there was no thermal grease (or a pad) between the heatsink and CPU. Here is the post.
Abarbarian said:
If you feel confident enough . Take of a side panel and see how much dust you have inside the pc . It is spring so maybee it is time to spring clean .

That Dell is a, laptop ... ;)
Sounds to me that some fans have died in the laptop, CPU, cooling fan, how old is the laptop? You could try phoning deel tech support and see if they can help you. :thumb:
Thanks for the replies. My laptop is almost exactly 2 years old. It used to switch itself off very rarely but then when it was running lots of stuff turned off. I have recently formatted it and installed Windows XP pro and am trying to get the updates and XP Service pack 2 but it repetitively switches itself off during the install. Now it is saying it is in an unstable state and i should uninstall XP Service pack 2. Even if i did know how to open it i wouldn't know what to look at or if there was something missing or not.
Our oldest laptop ran like a toaster - meaning it always ran very hot, but throughout all its years of use, it never switched itself off. Is your laptop still under Warranty? If so, perhaps you should get in touch with Dell with a view to having them check it out properly :nod: