GoofyinAV said:
I recently purchased a used Dell Inspiron 6000 Laptop, but the
battery wouldn't kep a charge. M friend has an Inspiron (model
unknown), and has 2 back up batteries. He let me borrow one to see
if it was the battery or the laptop that wont charge. My laptop
wont charge his battery. A warning screen comes up that says
battery can't be recognized. Is there a reason for this and a waqy
ariund it. I can't afford $200. for a new battery, Ijust spent all
I had to buy the laptop and get it running. Help.
Contact Dell. There is NOTHING anyone can do for you here.
If you "recently purchased a used Dell Inspiron 6000" it is under
warranty and it is responsible for charging the battery.
The battery itself has only a one year warranty.
I did recently purchase a used laptop, but the laptop is used, 2
1/2 yrs old. It is no longer under warranty and I didn't buy it
from Dell. My question is why won't a Dell battery work in it?
Yep - that's your question...
Welcome to microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support, where issues
surrounding Microsoft Windows XP (in particular - the Help and Support
feature found in Windows XP - although this meaning has long been lost for
this particular newsgroup) are discussed.
What you have is a hardware issue - nothing to do with Microsoft or Windows
XP. It is a question you should ask Dell or give more detail to anyone who
might be willing to help you.
Not all Inspiron's use the same batteries. That's one fact.
Another would be that the message you refer to (about not recognizing the
battery) is likely only a warning that says that battery is either not meant
for this system OR is not an official Dell battery.
The last fact is that - as I said - this issue has nothing to do with
anything other than pure hardware - meaning your best path for support is
not in a group meant for the discussion of Windows XP (software.) ;-)
It could be the laptop cannot charge batteries anymore (that type of
hardware issue - the laptop doesn't send the right signals to allow this to
happen any longer) or it could be the original battery is just dead and the
borrowed ones are of the wrong type.
You might find a place like a "Batteries Plus" - where they specialize in
such things as replacement batteries and see what you can find... Like:
Or you might buy a new battery direct from Dell:
Or you might take the laptop to a local "mom & pop" computer shop to see if
they can tell you if it is the battery or the laptop and see what your
options are.
However - as has been pointed out to you - there's not much anyone here can
do for you other than give you advice like I have.