Getting a power BSOD on Dell e1505 w/Intel core duo T2500 whenever I
unplug from ac power.
Upon exhaustive research; it now appears that someone MISSED this very
important function; in the rc1 tree;altogether!!
Starting with the rc1 branch build 5536;and subsequent builds;including
RC1;a MAJOR ACPI power BSOD whenever this laptop is unplugged from ac
To research this; I uninstalled/reformatted and installed various o.s.'s. No
this includes XP; Linux; and PRE-RC1 tree;builds. Build 5384/Beta 2 ; build
5472; do not exhibit this behavior; they in fact;work great.
I'm no coder;by any stretch of the imagination;however; one would assume
that the people involved;would have at least caught this before a public RC1
Poor Dell; first the battery recall;now this!!!
Anyone else getting this?
Or am I the lucky Dell e1505 dual core?
Getting a power BSOD on Dell e1505 w/Intel core duo T2500 whenever I
unplug from ac power.
Upon exhaustive research; it now appears that someone MISSED this very
important function; in the rc1 tree;altogether!!
Starting with the rc1 branch build 5536;and subsequent builds;including
RC1;a MAJOR ACPI power BSOD whenever this laptop is unplugged from ac
To research this; I uninstalled/reformatted and installed various o.s.'s. No
this includes XP; Linux; and PRE-RC1 tree;builds. Build 5384/Beta 2 ; build
5472; do not exhibit this behavior; they in fact;work great.
I'm no coder;by any stretch of the imagination;however; one would assume
that the people involved;would have at least caught this before a public RC1
Poor Dell; first the battery recall;now this!!!
Anyone else getting this?
Or am I the lucky Dell e1505 dual core?