Dell Alerts/SVCHOST


Rodney Chelius

I have two questions:

1. How can I get RID of Dell Alerts? It is causing
problems like opening for no reason, anytime. I have
looked in the STARUP folder, WIN.INI, SYSTEM.INI, tried
configuring it to NOT REPORT, and etc., but I cannot find
it or figure out how to disable it. Anyone know how to
deal with this pest?

2. When I hit CTRL-ALT-DEL and bring up the Windows Task
Manager, I have noticed that there are multiple incidents
of SVCHOST.EXE listed for System, Local Service, Network
Service, etc. What are they for and are they all

Thank you.



Go to 'Start' | 'Run' and type 'msconfig' (without the quotes). Then go to
the Startup tab. Listed is everything that starts up on your system. It
will also tell you where they are starting from. Most likely it's starting
from the registry. If so it will tell you where to go in the registry.
Then just delete that registry key. While there look for others you don't
want starting up.

rodney Chelius

I ran MSCONFIG nothing in that list on STARTUP even hints
at or looks like ALERTVIEW.EXE. Nothing points to where
the file is starting from. Any other ideas? Thank you.


Rodney Chelius

There is NOT a DWCLIENT in all the tabs of MSCONFIG. For
the life of me I can not find where/what (AlertView.exe)
is calling the AlertView to load. Any other ideas, I need
help with this one big time. Thank you.


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