A friend is interested in purchasing the Dell A960
colour inkjet printer/scanner/copier/fax. Anyone
have any experience, information, or recommendations
to share? ADVthanksANCE
Ok, thanks for the responses. I called Dell, and asked
"Who makes your A960?" He said, "Dell does." I didn't
believe him. Checking epinions, there is no entry for
the A960, but for the A940 one writer says it's a rebadged
Lexmark. I also saw a Lexmark which looks remarkably
similar to the A960. So I believe you're correct; it is
a Lexmark :-(. And, you can't buy Dell cartridges anywhere
but from Dell :-(.
Yes, I have a Canon i850 and love it. I'm also very pleased
with my Brother HL-1440 monochrome laser. If it were for me,
I'd love to have the Canon 730 multifunction, but it's not
currently in my budget

. But my friend wants to buy a Dell
computer, and wondered about the Dell multifunction to go with
it. I'll try to steer him to a better multifunction. The Dell
computer itself seems a good buy, but the special ends on the
8th (today).