Right-clicking won't get you to where you can look at the style
definition as Terry suggested. There are several ways to get there:
- If the Envelope Address style is in the Quick Style set displayed in
the Home ribbon, right-click it and choose Modify.
- Or click the dialog launcher (the tiny arrow in the lower right
corner) of the Styles group on the Home ribbon to open the Styles
pane. The keyboard shortcut for this is Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S. Right-click
the name of the Envelope Address style (or click the down arrow to its
right) and choose Modify.
- Or open the Manage Styles box by pressing Ctrl+Alt+S, select the
Envelope Address style (if it isn't already selected) and click the
Modify button there.
The result of any of those actions is the Modify Style dialog. In the
bottom left corner of the dialog, click the Format button and choose
Paragraph from the menu. That opens a Paragraph dialog where you can
see and, if necessary, alter the Space Before/After and the Line