Gordon Darling
DeLi Linux 0.6 - A small Linux distribution for old computers.
DeLi Linux is a Linux distribution for old computers, from 486 to Pentium
MMX 166 or so. It's focused on desktop usage. It includes email clients, a
graphical Web browser, an office package with word processor and
spreadsheet, etc. A full install, including XFree86 and development tools,
needs no more than 300 MB of harddisk space.
A new "graphic" deliinstall, a new network and PPP install floppy disk,
and enhanced delisetup.
Release focus: Major feature enhancements
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Project URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/delilinux/
Homepage: http://delilinux.berlios.de
Tar/GZ: http://freshmeat.net/redir/delilinux/34318/url_tgz/delilinux
DeLi Linux is a Linux distribution for old computers, from 486 to Pentium
MMX 166 or so. It's focused on desktop usage. It includes email clients, a
graphical Web browser, an office package with word processor and
spreadsheet, etc. A full install, including XFree86 and development tools,
needs no more than 300 MB of harddisk space.
A new "graphic" deliinstall, a new network and PPP install floppy disk,
and enhanced delisetup.
Release focus: Major feature enhancements
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Project URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/delilinux/
Homepage: http://delilinux.berlios.de
Tar/GZ: http://freshmeat.net/redir/delilinux/34318/url_tgz/delilinux