
  • Thread starter Thread starter James Howell
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James Howell

Mates computer runs win xp, and is currently a high level
spec intel pc. Has reinstalled a different version of Win
XP on system, after inexperienced user put to much
rubbish on system.

The computer, after loading the users info brings up a
box that says that the pc can't find delfolders.exe,
location C:\Windows\System32\Tools\Delfolders.exe

Is it autoexec.bat or similar that is requesting a file
from an incorrect location, Kazaa and WinMx has been on
the system. The fact that the sytem is requesting the
file after initial loadup would suggest that it is part
of a file/program that has been installed before or after
the reinstall of windows, that requests start menu

any ideas please email to
(e-mail address removed)

MS Knowlede base hasn't got a clue, which would suggest
third party software
Perform the following:

Symantec Security Check

Stop the Invasion of Adware and Intrusive Spybot Spyware - Restore Your Privacy

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!


| Mates computer runs win xp, and is currently a high level
| spec intel pc. Has reinstalled a different version of Win
| XP on system, after inexperienced user put to much
| rubbish on system.
| The computer, after loading the users info brings up a
| box that says that the pc can't find delfolders.exe,
| location C:\Windows\System32\Tools\Delfolders.exe
| Is it autoexec.bat or similar that is requesting a file
| from an incorrect location, Kazaa and WinMx has been on
| the system. The fact that the sytem is requesting the
| file after initial loadup would suggest that it is part
| of a file/program that has been installed before or after
| the reinstall of windows, that requests start menu
| privilages.
| any ideas please email to
| (e-mail address removed)
| MS Knowlede base hasn't got a clue, which would suggest
| third party software