Deleting Web Query Problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter dule
  • Start date Start date


I have a web query that is added programmatically. When it is added, th
code specifies its name. If the name already exists, excel appends
_1 (or whatever number its on)

Now, even if I delete all the query defintions and all of the rang
names with the following code,

For Each qt In ActiveSheet.QueryTables
Next qt
For Each n In ActiveSheet.Names
Next n

And re-run the macro that adds the query, it still gives me the _1
Yet, If I close the workbook, and re-open it, and then run the macro
it creates the query without the _1 ...

So my question is, how do I clear all reminents of a query tabl
without having to reload the workbook (i.e. What am I missing othe
than clearing the range name and the query table?)