Deleting table row in table grid using ASP.NET MVC

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I am looking for source code example or demo on how to delete table row. I
have a table row with checkbox that renders dynamically based on selected
item from dropdowlist. How can i delete row for example, i have a Delete
button on top of the table header. If user click one or more checkbox,
highlighted the row. After hitting the Delete button, the table will updated
and refresh again.
I 'm currently using ASP.NET MVC 1.0 framework. In ASP.NET WebForm, this
can be achieved using GridView control. I am just new started to learn

I appreciate for any help.
Where exactly are you stuck? It sounds straight forward enough. The
delete button causes a postback, and you'll get the form values from
the table and than render a new table based on what was posted back.
jacerhea said:
Where exactly are you stuck? It sounds straight forward enough. The
delete button causes a postback, and you'll get the form values from
the table and than render a new table based on what was posted back.

Here is my code snippet: I'm trying to delete the row with the Delete
method i created, and don't know to proceed. I started creating loop to start
if check box is checked..

// Home Controller:
public class HomeController : Controller
DataTable dt = null;
DataRow dr = null;

public ActionResult Index()

return View();

public void DeleteRow(int ? id)
if (Session["Cart"] != null)
var request = ((DataTable)Session["Cart"]).AsEnumerable();

foreach (var req in request)


ViewData["reqItems"] = request;

dt = (DataTable)Session["Cart"];
Session["Cart"] = dt;


public ActionResult IDRequest()
if (Session["Cart"] == null)

//-- converting datatable to IEnumerable
//IEnumerable<DataRow> data = dt.AsEnumerable();

return View();

public ActionResult CreateRequest(string _accessLevel, string
Validate(_accessLevel, _subjectArea);

if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View();

dt = (DataTable)Session["Cart"];

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr["_accessLevel"] = _accessLevel.Trim();
dr["_subjectArea"] = _subjectArea.Trim();

Session["Cart"] = dt;
return View();

return View();


private void makeCart()
dt = new DataTable("Cart");
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ID", typeof(System.Int32)));
dt.Columns["ID"].AutoIncrement = true;
dt.Columns["ID"].AutoIncrementSeed = 1;

dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("_accessLevel",
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("_subjectArea",

Session["Cart"] = dt;


protected void Validate(string accessLevel, string subjectArea)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(accessLevel))
ModelState.AddModelError("accessLevel", "Access level is

if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(subjectArea))
ModelState.AddModelError("subjectArea", "Subject area is

public ActionResult RequestListCart()
if (Session["Cart"] != null)
var request = ((DataTable)Session["Cart"]).AsEnumerable();

ViewData["reqItems"] = request;

return View();


I'm using Session["cart"] variable to store data into datatable and needs
to add or delete item row dynamically, for user display of items to be
Also, do you know how can i get the cell value of for each row when i submit
the table list ?
