Deleting Roaming Profile folders from the server



Hi all,

I'm working on some automation for my W2K DC to manage
user accounts. One part of this script is the deletion of
accounts for users that do not logon for a period of time
(lab environment with a transient population). The script
is supposed to work like this:

1. Enumerate users with last logon dates of > 120 days

2. Delete the user's home folders

3. Delete the user's roaming profile folders

4. Delete the user's accounts from AD and write a report.

However, when I try to delete the profile folders that are
stored on the DC I run into a permissions problem. Even as
administrator, I do not have permissions to the folders -
I tried changing the ACL's for the folders using xcacls,
but I'm getting an "Access Denied" message. I also tried
the xcacls option to take ownership (as I can do that via
the GUI) without success.

Any suggestions? Thanks :(

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