Deleting out of master table, but retain record in another table

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike
  • Start date Start date


Good afternoon,
I have a table that keeps track of Marines in my
squadron. Sometimes we send Marines to different units
for a couple months (up to a year) and then they come back
to us. Right now, after the checkout we delete thier
record from the database, and when they check back in we
re-enter everything again. Is there a way to delete them
from the table, but have the information retained
somewhere else? Kind of like the recycle bin on the
desktop. You delete something and it is retained in there
until you manually clean the bin. Any help is greatly
appreciated. Thank you for your time.


The best way would be to add a field that allows for out
of service or something to that sort. This would be a
pick box on any forms and would allow for the user to
remove that information from the reports and such without
removing it from the database.

You could als do append queries to move this into a
seperate datafile of inactive then re-append those back
into your active file when needed.

Kevin Watkins
Projects Assistant
Mike- see something that could be done.
1- Add a extra column in that table of yours, that keeps
tracks of marines, called something like 'HideMarine' and
put it as a 'Yes/No' field.
So everytime the form is called fourth(the one connected
to the table of marines) you could specify to show only
the Marines where the HideMarines=No. That way only
Marines who haven't been deleted yet will show up.
2- And when you delete a Marine, just put a 'Yes' in
the 'HideMarine' column.

Hope this helps, of course another table could be created,
but seams Unnecessary at this point.

This is how I would sohlve the problem for now or until I
find something better to do...
