deleting or changing "Owner" user



We have a desktop 5 users. We want to get rid of all but 2 users. My
user "Lisa" is also "Owner"

If I delete the user "Lisa" will that create a problem because it is
Do I have to change one of the other users to Owner so I can delete

Thanks for your help!!


Terry R.

The date and time was 9/18/2008 7:18 AM, and on a whim, hamiltoncruiser
pounded out on the keyboard:
We have a desktop 5 users. We want to get rid of all but 2 users. My
user "Lisa" is also "Owner"

If I delete the user "Lisa" will that create a problem because it is
Do I have to change one of the other users to Owner so I can delete

Thanks for your help!!


Hi Lisa,

Do you log in under Lisa or Owner? Have you checked both to be sure
which one you normally use? Owner is a default used by some
manufacturers, so did you rename it to Lisa? If so removing Lisa would
remove the Owner folders, since renaming an account doesn't rename the
original folder name. There is the Administrator account which isn't
shown on the Welcome screen, and unless you have set it, the password is

Just be sure the account you delete you have removed any data that might
be in the My Documents folder or on the Desktop.

Terry R.

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The date and time was 9/18/2008 7:18 AM, and on a whim, hamiltoncruiser
pounded out on the keyboard:

Hi Lisa,

Do you log in under Lisa or Owner?  Have you checked both to be sure
which one you normally use?  Owner is a default used by some
manufacturers, so did you rename it to Lisa?  If so removing Lisa would
remove the Owner folders, since renaming an account doesn't rename the
original folder name.  There is the Administrator account which isn't
shown on the Welcome screen, and unless you have set it, the password is

Just be sure the account you delete you have removed any data that might
be in the My Documents folder or on the Desktop.

Terry R.

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Anti-spam measures are included in my email address.
Delete NOSPAM from the email address after clicking Reply.

Thanks Terry

At the Welcome Screen, I log on as Lisa (I renamed Owner to Lisa)

My Computer shows User 1 Documents to User 4 Documents and Lisa's

Documents and Settings shows User 1 to 4, Guest User and Owner (no

Control Panel..Users shows Users 1 to 4, Guest and Lisa

So I am seeing the Lisa User account being called either Lisa or Owner

Still not sure if it's OK to delete Lisa



If you have a hidden administrative account, copy your profile then delete.

How to Copy or Remove a User Profile

Once done go to Start/Run: control userpasswords2 and delete accordingly.


All the Best,

Taskbar Repair Tool Plus!!.htm


The date and time was 9/18/2008 7:18 AM, and on a whim, hamiltoncruiser
pounded out on the keyboard:

Hi Lisa,

Do you log in under Lisa or Owner? Have you checked both to be sure
which one you normally use? Owner is a default used by some
manufacturers, so did you rename it to Lisa? If so removing Lisa would
remove the Owner folders, since renaming an account doesn't rename the
original folder name. There is the Administrator account which isn't
shown on the Welcome screen, and unless you have set it, the password is

Just be sure the account you delete you have removed any data that might
be in the My Documents folder or on the Desktop.

Terry R.

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Anti-spam measures are included in my email address.
Delete NOSPAM from the email address after clicking Reply.

Thanks Terry

At the Welcome Screen, I log on as Lisa (I renamed Owner to Lisa)

My Computer shows User 1 Documents to User 4 Documents and Lisa's

Documents and Settings shows User 1 to 4, Guest User and Owner (no

Control Panel..Users shows Users 1 to 4, Guest and Lisa

So I am seeing the Lisa User account being called either Lisa or Owner

Still not sure if it's OK to delete Lisa



The date and time was 9/18/2008 7:18 AM, and on a whim, hamiltoncruiser
pounded out on the keyboard:

Hi Lisa,

Do you log in under Lisa or Owner? Have you checked both to be sure
which one you normally use? Owner is a default used by some
manufacturers, so did you rename it to Lisa? If so removing Lisa would
remove the Owner folders, since renaming an account doesn't rename the
original folder name. There is the Administrator account which isn't
shown on the Welcome screen, and unless you have set it, the password is

Just be sure the account you delete you have removed any data that might
be in the My Documents folder or on the Desktop.

Terry R.

***Reply Note***
Anti-spam measures are included in my email address.
Delete NOSPAM from the email address after clicking Reply.

Thanks Terry

At the Welcome Screen, I log on as Lisa (I renamed Owner to Lisa)

My Computer shows User 1 Documents to User 4 Documents and Lisa's

Documents and Settings shows User 1 to 4, Guest User and Owner (no

Control Panel..Users shows Users 1 to 4, Guest and Lisa

So I am seeing the Lisa User account being called either Lisa or Owner

Still not sure if it's OK to delete Lisa


Account names are just aliases for security id (and you certainly would not
like having to enter an SID to logon).
Thus, when you renamed the account "Owner" to "Lisa" you just gave the SID a
different alias. Everything else about the account was not changed. So,
even though you login as "Lisa", you wind up in the folder tree for "Owner".

It would be OK to rename the account "Lisa" to whatever you wish. However,
it would be less time consuming if you just left things as they are.

Users 1 to 4 were created by (perhaps) software that you downloaded. They
are certainly not part of the XP installation. Guest, however, is part of
XP installation.


Terry R.

The date and time was 9/18/2008 10:15 AM, and on a whim, hamiltoncruiser
pounded out on the keyboard:
Thanks Terry

At the Welcome Screen, I log on as Lisa (I renamed Owner to Lisa)

My Computer shows User 1 Documents to User 4 Documents and Lisa's

Documents and Settings shows User 1 to 4, Guest User and Owner (no

Control Panel..Users shows Users 1 to 4, Guest and Lisa

So I am seeing the Lisa User account being called either Lisa or Owner

Still not sure if it's OK to delete Lisa



Okay, so Owner & Lisa are the same. Removing one will remove the other.
So copy the profile info as Kelly suggested. Once you have your data
copied, when you remove Owner/Lisa, it will remove both (don't forget
exporting Favorites from your browser in case you can't figure out how
to get them out of your profile). You can then create a new user called
Lisa which will create the folders with the same name (getting rid of
Owner from being connected to Lisa).

Terry R.

***Reply Note***
Anti-spam measures are included in my email address.
Delete NOSPAM from the email address after clicking Reply.


The date and time was 9/18/2008 10:15 AM, and on a whim, hamiltoncruiser
pounded out on the keyboard:


Okay, so Owner & Lisa are the same.  Removing one will remove the other..
  So copy the profile info as Kelly suggested.  Once you have your data
copied, when you remove Owner/Lisa, it will remove both (don't forget
exporting Favorites from your browser in case you can't figure out how
to get them out of your profile). You can then create a new user called
Lisa which will create the folders with the same name (getting rid of
Owner from being connected to Lisa).

Thanks Kelly and Terry. I am not sure I need to copy anything. Only
my hubby uses the computer now. I have all my data, favorites, etc on
my laptop. I don't want to create a new User Lisa that is not
connected to Owner. I just want to be sure that deleting the Lisa/
Owner User Account is not going to affect the working of the
computer. So I guess there doesn't necessarily have to be an Owner
Sorry if I was not clear.


Terry R.

The date and time was 9/18/2008 2:04 PM, and on a whim, hamiltoncruiser
pounded out on the keyboard:
Thanks Kelly and Terry. I am not sure I need to copy anything. Only
my hubby uses the computer now. I have all my data, favorites, etc on
my laptop. I don't want to create a new User Lisa that is not
connected to Owner. I just want to be sure that deleting the Lisa/
Owner User Account is not going to affect the working of the
computer. So I guess there doesn't necessarily have to be an Owner
Sorry if I was not clear.


Hi again Lisa,

No, Owner isn't required. And the Administrator account is always
available (pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del twice at the Welcome screen). So as
long as you don't have any data on Lisa/Owner that you need, you can
remove the account. It's always a good idea to have another account
with administrative rights in case one goes bad.

Terry R.

***Reply Note***
Anti-spam measures are included in my email address.
Delete NOSPAM from the email address after clicking Reply.


The date and time was 9/18/2008 2:04 PM, and on a whim, hamiltoncruiser
pounded out on the keyboard:

Hi again Lisa,

No, Owner isn't required.  And the Administrator account is always
available (pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del twice at the Welcome screen).  So as
long as you don't have any data on Lisa/Owner that you need, you can
remove the account.  It's always a good idea to have another account
with administrative rights in case one goes bad.

Thanks so much Terry. My hubby's account has admin rights.
That answers all my questions.


Terry R.

The date and time was 9/18/2008 5:30 PM, and on a whim, hamiltoncruiser
pounded out on the keyboard:
Thanks so much Terry. My hubby's account has admin rights.
That answers all my questions.


You're welcome.

Terry R.

***Reply Note***
Anti-spam measures are included in my email address.
Delete NOSPAM from the email address after clicking Reply.

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