Or you can use this .vbs that I found and modified it so that it will
dump the info to a oldcomputer.txt file on your c:\ drive. Just copy
the info below and and save it as a .vbs, Then launch the vbs it will
prompt you for your domain and then it will prompt you for how may
days old. Then just open the txt file to get the info. You can then
create a another script to delete the computer accounts that are "out
of date"
'On Error Resume Next
DomainString=Inputbox("Enter the domain name","Check Active
if DomainString="" then
wscript.echo "No domain specified or script cancelled."
end if
numDays=InputBox("What is the number of days to use as a cutoff for
Active Computer Accounts?","Check Active Computers","XX")
if numDays="" then
wscript.echo "No cutoff date specified or script cancelled."
end if
Set DomainObj = GetObject("WinNT://"&DomainString)
if err.number<>0 then
wscript.echo "Error connecting to " & DomainString
end if
DomainObj.Filter = Array("computer")
Wscript.echo "Computer Accounts in " & DomainString & " older than " &
numDays & " days."
For each Computer in DomainObj
Set Account = GetObject("WinNT://" & DomainString & "/" &
Computer.Name & "$")
RefreshTime = FormatNumber((Account.get("PasswordAge"))/86400,0)
If CInt(RefreshTime) >= CInt(numDays) Then
'wscript.echo "**DELETE** " & Computer.Name & " Password Age is " &
RefreshTime & " days."
On Error Resume Next
Dim FileSys,TFile
Set FileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set TFile = FileSys.CreateTextFile("C:\Oldcomputers.txt", True)
TFile.WriteLine "**DELETE** " & Computer.Name & " Password Age is "
& RefreshTime & " days."
End If
set DomainObj=Nothing
set Shell=Nothing